i'm making promises to someone who doesn't even realize i still exist.

Apr 21, 2005 21:15

i <3...
-nightly phone calls.
-unexpected text messages.
-aimlessly driving around.
-blasting jay-z.
-my friends.
-dancing no matter where i am.
-ramen noodles.
-speaker phone.
-uncontrollable laughter.
-sitting outside.
-the 'whisper' song by the ying-yang twins.
-coconut flavored things.
-watching random parts of "mean girls" every night before going to bed.
-only being able to sleep on a 'certain' side of the bed.
-cell phones.
-family plans.
-tigers baseball.
-ashlee simpson.
-singing off key.
-the oc.
-wal*mart clearance.

i could keep going, but i think you get the point...now for the thing i miss the most...capri i miss you with all my effin' heart and i want ride around aimlessly while blastin' effin' maroon 5, jay-z, j-lo, & britney spears with her. i want to use my effin' kroger card with her & talk about boys & get giddy. i may see her tomorrow & i'm effin' excited..so she better come see me, & in seven effin' days until she's un-effin'-grounded & i can't wait until we have a wednesday night. <3

& "i love you" is all she heard.


current mood: happy but sick
current music: ashlee simpson :)
current hair: straight
current clothes: jeans, track jacket, tank top
current annoyance: my sisters
current windows open: aim & eljay
current desktop picture: it's just plain blue
current favorite band: band..taking back sunday, matchbox romance

:+:the last time:+:
last book you read: fighting fire...for english class...
last thing you had to drink: water
last time you showered: this morning
last thing you ate: chips
last person you talked to on the phone: heather

:+:Do You:+:
smoke?: no
do drugs?: no
have sex?: no
have a dream that keeps coming back?: yup, & i'm not even going to talk about it.
have any gay or lesbian friends?: no
believe in miracles?: not really
believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: yes.
believe in astrology?: once in a while.
what's your sign baby? scorpio.
believe in magic?: no.
believe in God?: yes.
have any pets?: kitty & dog.
do well in school?: yup.
go to or plan to go to college?: delta for now, but then cmu...oh how i can't wait.!
wear hats?: nope
have any piercings?: ears.
have any tattoos?: no
hate yourself?: no
have an obsession?: no
collect anything?: i don't think so.
have a best friend (s)?: yup.
close friends?: yup.
wish on stars?: of course.
like your handwriting?: yup.
care about looks?: once in a while.

:+:juicy stuff:+:
have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: no.
favorite place to be kissed?: forehead or top of my head...weird i know.
shy to make the first move?: not usually.

:+:are you a:+:

druggy: no
wuss: sometimes.
daydreamer: yup.
freak: no.
bitch/asshole: i don't mean to be, but people like to think i am.
brat: no.
sarcastic: yup.!
goody-goody: depends on who you ask...
shy: not really

color: hot pink
boys' name: ...
girls' name: ...
school: how to lose a guy in 10 days.
animals: cats

h a v e | y o u | e v e r
given anyone a bath?: no.
bungee jumped?: no.
skinny dipping?: no.
made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: yup.
when someone died?: no.
lied: yup.
fallen for your best [opposite sex] friend?: he wasn't my best friend at the time....
rejected someone?: yup.
done something you regret?: yup, but it happens.

f i n a l | q u e s t i o n s
do you like filling these out?: when i'm bored.
how many people are you sending this to?: nada.
gold or silver?: silver.
what was the last film you saw at the movies? amityville horror.
favorite cartoon?: hm i don't know..
who would you hate to be locked in a room with?: i can think of a few people.
who would you love being locked in a room with?: i'm not going to even go there. lol
would you color your hair?: sure, why not?
could you ever get off the computer?: yup.
how many people are on your buddy list?: 124.
like watching sunrises or sunsets?: yes.
what hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?: emotional.

c u r r e n t
make-up: none.
smell: curious.
book you're reading: hmm none.
cd in player: ashlee simpson.
dvd in player: the chapelle's show season 1.
color of toenails: pink.

a r e | y o u
understanding: yup.
open-minded: yup.
insecure: of course.
interesting: i guess, i'm told that i am every day.
random: yes.
smart: yah.
moody: yup.
hard working: yup.
organized: yup.
shy: not really.
difficult: can be.
bored easily: yup.
messy: yes..especially at work.
responsible: yup.
obsessed: no.
angry: no.

::who do you::

get high with: no one.
talk to offline: my friends.
talk to online: my friends.

|r a n d o m|
in the morning i am: crankyyy.!
all i need is: music.
love is: something i still feel, but i'm totally confused about.
i dream about: weird things.

w h i c h | i s | b e t t e r
coke or pepsi: coke.
flowers or candy: flowers.
tall or short: tall.

d o | y o u | e v e r
sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to IM you?: i did wayy back in the day.
save conversations?: no.
wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: no.
cried because of someone saying something to you?: yup.
n u m b e r of times I have had my heart broken: once.
of continents I have lived in: one.
of close close friends: a few
of CDs I own: i have nooo clue but i know it's a lot.
of scars on my body: a few.
of things in my past that i regret: two...main things.
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