1. Name: rebecca. i prefer to be called winstin though.
2. Age: sixteen
3. Gender: female.
4. What are your hobbies/interests outside of HP? How do you feel these hobbies/interests contribute to your personality?
i love to sing, dance, watch movies, listen to music and to read. wow, i sound like such a nerd. i am not good at any of them (save for reading that is. ;D but that isn't much of an accomplishment). i don't think they attribute much to my personality. one would think that i would be more outgoing, but the only times i really feel comfortable singing or dancing is when i'm home alone. i guess it shows that i am a very solitary person.
5. Which Harry Potter character do you feel you can relate to the most? Explain. Which character is your favourite? Again, explain.
in a lot of ways, i relate to luna. i'm really quite odd (hey, i admit it to myself!) but i'm not quite as honest as luna is. i usually think about what i say before i say it, and if i think that it might offend anyone, i either rephrase it to sound a lot gentler, or i won't say it at all. i have luna's odd dress sense though. it would not surprise anyone who knows me to see me turn up wearing radish earrings, or a necklace made out of corks.
(oooh, this is going to sound like i'm pushing for slytherin, i just know it. XD) my favourite character is indeed, voldemort. don't worry, i'm not going to say that it's because i agree with his view on muggleborns or anything. it's because, frankly, i admire the man. he has a tonne of ambition, and is willing to do anything to get what he wants. he is a true slytherin because of that, not because he is 'evil', the heir of salazar, or because he is a parselmouth. i know that he has done horrible things with his ambition (much like hitler. bah, stupid people taking their talents and letting them go to waste like that!) but it is still something i admire greatly about him. i find it a pity that so few other slytherins have that same ambition. they're all following the man! they should be fighting him for his place!
6. Give us the reasons for and against you being sorted into each of the houses.
a. Gryffindor
For: i have pretty ridged beliefs, and i will do my best to stand up for them.
Against. i am not brave at all. i am a horrible coward, to be honest, and i would be more likely to turn my tail and run to save my own hide than to rescue the people i care about in a life-or-death situation. i don't fear death (i fear getting old and falling apart.), but like most others, i would rather avoid dying if i can help it.
b. Hufflepuff
For: i'm pretty easy-going most of the time. (unless i'm in one of my moods. -sweatdrop-) i'm loyal to my close friends (once i'm sure that they really are my friends at least) as long as it doesn't mean i have to die for them.
Against: i get into some weird moods, and i am very liable to start arguments or fights. i can be a really violent and mean person, and i can start saying things just to upset people - after all, if i'm a bad mood, everyone else should be as well.
c. Ravenclaw
For: i love books, and i really love to learn. i spend a lot of my free time self-teaching myself different things. at the moment, i'm trying to memorize the meanings of all the cards in the tarot deck.
Against: i don't like studying, and i tend to do it loudly, but by myself. i read out what i'm trying to learn while pacing, and listening to music, but if anyone else is around, i can't pay attention.
d. Slytherin
For: i am really ambitious, so ambitious that people often think that i'm kidding. i tell people that one day i would like to be the pope (even though i'm an atheist, and female) or supreme ruler of the no longer free world, and they always laugh.
Against: i'm too lazy and forgetful to actually do anything to help my goals along. i'll have written out an entire plan for something, and then i find it months later, and go 'oh, yeah! i really should start working on that.' and i never do.
7. What was your least favorite moment in HP?
probably the pensieve scene in order of the phoenix. i was able to relate to snape during that scene, and it made me understand the man he became that much better. i didn't like it because it made me a little fearful of the person i will become. will i be that vindictive to the children of the people who tormented me?
8. What about HP appeals to you (e.g. the romance, the adventure, the friendships, the fantasy, the mystery)?
everything about harry potter, save for the romance. j.k. rowling is not a romance author, and that is rather apparent in half-blood prince. it didn't really bother me or anything, it just wasn't as well written as i thought it would be. the harry/ginny scene didn't have as much emotional depth as i expected.
the mystery, the fantasy, the little bits of lore... i love everything else. i have spent so much time researching more information on some of the magical animals introduced in the books, and i am taking book after book out of the library on different types of divination.
9. What would you do if your friend was in danger? What would you give up in order to save them? Would you lay your life on the line?
if my friends were in danger? i would give up everything but my life. i love my friends dearly, they are all i really have (even if my damned subconscious always tries to bring out the worst in them), but i like being alive a bit more.
10. Given a choice between fame and money, which would you choose?
money, hands down. i am a very solitary person, so the thought of fame could easily be a nightmare. besides, even at sixteen years old, i am very careful with my money. i will do anything i can to avoid going into debt. i'm saving up all i can so i will be prepared once i move out. i don't think it will help me that much. if i end up going to college, i will have to take out a loan or two.
11 If you could only store one memory in the Pensieve to visit over again, which one would it be? Why?
i really don't know. i sometimes feel like i have a dementor following me around; i have a really hard time remembering anything happy that happened to me. most of my memories with my friends are plagued with paranoid thoughts of 'do they even like me?', 'they're just keeping me around to make them look better', 'are they going to talk about me once i leave?!', and 'oh god. once this all blows up, how am i going to avoid them?'.
my memories of family aren't much better. i always have felt that i wasn't the daughter they wanted. i'm not a drug addict like my brother, but i'm not smart enough, not pretty enough, not feminine enough, not creative enough, too queer, too weird, etc.
unless at the time, there was something really good that had just happened to me, and i remembered it vividly still, i would probably put in a memory that had the faces of a lot of the people who have wronged me. that way, at some point in my life, when i had nothing else going for me, i would be able to extract some revenge. :)
12. What excites you the most in life? Where do you get the most joy and fulfillment?
my books are the most exciting things in my life. books can't have thoughts that they are hiding, so i have never thought that they are out to get me, or that i'm not good enough for them. they're always there for me.
if books don’t work (and believe me, that is rare) i dance. i am not going to lie, i am quite possibly the worst dancer imaginable. But i love doing it, and i feel free.
13. If you were in Harry's position during the "Snape's Worst Memory" incident, how would you view Peter, James, Sirius, Lily, Remus, and Snape differently? Why?
as i said before, i would see snape with a lot more understanding. harry had to deal with dudley being a bully to him as well. snape doesn't have a good excuse for being a bastard, but it is understandable. i would have lost a lot of respect for both james and sirius. fifteen years old! like that is any excuse for tormenting a schoolmate you dislike. if snape had actually done something to provoke the attack, i would be much more lenient with them. i am disappointed that remus didn't do anything, when he was a prefect, and actually held some authority, but i understand why he didn't, i think. remus is a werewolf, and he was terrified of being found out. if i was him, i probably would be scared that if i stood up for snape, that james and sirius would let the cat out of the bag. even if they didn't, it would be really hard to make new friends. peter... i would detest him even more. he was basically in love with sirius and james, and he still sold them out to voldemort. if i was harry, i don't think i would really view lily differently, as he didn't have much information to really go on... if that makes sense. i would see her as a woman who stood up for everyone who was in trouble.
14. Imagine you were an eleven-year-old Muggleborn witch/wizard who did not know about magic and had just received your Hogwarts letter. How would you react to leaving home and going to a magic school?
at 11? i would be thrilled beyond words. i would be excited at going to a new school where i had a clean slate. i would be worried on a deeper level that i would fit in very well though, and that the people there would find out something they could use against me.
15. If you had access to a time turner and there were no regulations regarding its usage, what would you use it for and why?
i would go back, and try to keep myself from screwing up my life at a young age. i would try to avoid the people who treated me badly, and just be pleasant, but distant to them. i would try to be stronger and stand up for things more.
16. In the Philosopher’s Stone (AKA Sorcerer’s Stone) Neville had a choice: he could let his friends go out at night when they weren’t supposed to and potentially they could lose points for his house, or he could confront them and stop them from breaking the rules. What would you have done in his situation?
i'm not sure. i would hope that i would have stood up to them, but i know from my past that i often let the things my friends do slide even if i think they're wrong because i'm so desperate to keep them from hating me. i know what it was like to have no one who would even stand to be near you, and i wouldn't want to go back to that. it's one thing to have a self-imposed period of solitude, it's another to want to be with people who actually enjoy your company, and having no one.
17. Who (dead, alive, or fictional) do you most admire? This can be someone from real life or from Harry Potter.
i hate this question. XD i'm not sure. i guess i admire voldemort for his ambition, cunning, and intelligence.
18. What is your favourite book outside of Harry Potter? What is it about this book that endears it to you?
goddess, i have to pick one?!
at the moment, i'm on a vonnegut kick, so i'll have to say slaughterhouse five. i know it's his most famous book and all that, but it is amazing beyond words.
the tralfamadorians are... damn, i don't even know how to explain them. their take on life is brilliant.
'well, here we are, mr. pilgrim, trapped in the amber of this moment. there is no why.'
i love vonnegut's sense of humour, and really, to be honest, the lack of a real plot in his books. slaughterhouse five tells the story of the bombing of dresden in world war two (of which, vonnegut was present at), and interjects bits of the main character's life.
19. You're sitting the final examination for a class that has given you a lot of trouble. Your grade is borderline, you really need to do well on this final to get an A. You can see the paper of your friend who sits next to you and who happens to excel in this subject. You've gotten to a question that you're stuck on. Do you glance at your friend's paper to figure out the answer or not? Why?
i wouldn't cheat. if i really cared that much about the class, i would have studied harder.
besides. on tests that i have cheated on, i generally do worse, because i spend the rest of the exam worrying if i'll get caught cheating, and i don't spend as much time thinking over the questions.
20. In Goblet of Fire, Harry was chosen for the Tri-Wizard Tournament even with the age-line. Ron was unable to enter because of the age restriction even though he really wanted to be a part of the Tournament. Was Ron right to be jealous/angry at Harry? Were Harry's reactions appropriate? Why?
ron should have had a bit more faith in his friendship with harry. i wouldn't have, but this is ron, not me. he should have realized that harry has never been dishonest with him before. besides, if ron had been paying any attention to harry at all when his name was called, he would have noticed that harry was as shocked as anyone else.
harry knows that ron is jealous of his fame and all, and he has put up with the jealousy pretty well until this. if i was him, i probably would have just stayed clam, getting angry didn't help matters at all.
21. Which class would you look forward to the most at Hogwarts? Which classes do you/did you excel in most at school?
divination, defence, and potions.
i was always really good at social studies, english, and biology. not at any of the other sciences though. i love cooking though, and i really enjoyed doing the chemistry experiments, even if i didn't know what they were supposed to prove, so i think i would really like potions.
divination for the obvious reason, and i think i would find defence really interesting.
22. What would be the first place you visit during a Hogsmeade weekend? Why?
a bookstore, as i am sure there is one in hosmeade.
it's a sad, and predictable answer, i know, but i love books that much.
besides, pranks, candy, and refreshments (the three main things that others would be looking for) don't interest me overly much.
23. In the wizarding world, all 5th year students are required to pick a career to focus on going into their 6th and 7th years at Hogwarts. What career path would you choose? Why?
i'm not sure. i think over the entire time i've been in harry potter fandom, i've spent more time mulling over this question than i have trying to figure out what i want to actually do once i graduate. i have so many different parts of my personality that surface depending on my mood, and the people i'm around, that any career i can think of has some part of it that i wouldn't enjoy. maybe i would take over from madam pince once she dies. librarian is the career i'm thinking of now in real life as well. i'm not exactly good with people, but from the sounds of it, neither is she.
24. In the Wizarding world, some pure-blood wizards consider Muggle-borns "filthy" and "horrible." In our world, people are categorized by their wealth, racial background, and appearance. What are your opinions on Muggle-borns? What are the qualities that you value in others?
muggleborns are simply magical people who have different parentage then pure-bloods. who gives a damn?
what do i value in others? honesty. i hate being lied to, and if i find out that i have been, i am not able to trust that person again. unless they had a really good excuse.
i love people who have open minds. i don't care if someone is muslim or pagan. i don't care if someone is from africa, or a little country that most people haven't even heard of. i don't like being around people who feel the need to insult everyone different from them.
honesty and open-mindedness, really. those i hold above all others.
25. You have stumbled across five magical wells. One is the Well of Common Sense and Logic, the second is the Well of Creativity, the third is the Well of Optimism, the fourth is the Well of Physical Strength, and the fifth is the Well of Beauty. You can only drink from one well, but once you do you will be endowed with that ability for the rest of your life. Which well do you think you would definitely not need, and which do you think you would want to drink from?
i need all five. XD the one i need least i guess is the common sense and logic, but it is still the one i would drink from.
beauty is fleeting, and something you can achieve if you have enough money.
physical strength, like beauty, is fleeting, and something i would be able to achieve if i had the desire to.
optimism is not something i care about. i kind of like being a pessimist, and a cynic. i am never disappointed.
i would love to be more creative, but common sense will keep me alive longer. :)
26. In Half-Blood Prince, we witnessed Harry force-feeding Dumbledore the potion that weakened him, even though it pained Harry to do so, because he promised Dumbledore he would do whatever he wished. If you were in Harry's position, would you have stopped feeding Dumbledore the potion, or would you have continued? Do you think it was right for Harry to do as Dumbledore wished? Explain.
i think it was right to keep on force feeding dumbledore. i don't know if i would be able to do the same though. seeing dumbledore like that...
harry believed that dumbledore knew what he was doing, and he probably did. i believe that snape isn't really loyal to voldemort, and that dumbledore knew of malfoy's task, and of the unbreakable vow. perhaps he had a feeling that something would happen that night, and that there was a possibility he might die. the potion may have been a poison, and the killing curse was just a blessing.
i would want to - not because of a real loyalty to dumbledore, but because of faith in the amount of wisdom the man has acquired over 150 years. whether i would be able to or not, well. i wouldn't know unless i was in that situation.
27. Anything else you want to tell us before we sort you? Also, please tell us where you heard about this community. (Members who refer new applicants receive points, so please try to be as specific as possible.)
i found out about the community from
mellow_cellist who posted at
harrypotters. :) thanks for posting there!
now, i know this is the sentence i have to include to prove i read the rules and all, but i really do like to sing in the shower. actually. i like to sing anywhere, and to just about anything. (yesterday on the skytrain, i started singing the spice girls. O-o)
i can change moods rapidly, and for little or no reason.
as i mentioned in question25, i am a cynic, and a pessimist. :P
um. well, if there is anything that i didn’t make really clear, feel free to ask, and i’ll try to make more sense. i know it’s only 5:30, but i’m tired.
oh, and as anyone who has read this through has realized, i really overuse emoticons. ^^