Jan 10, 2005 20:03
the most retarded chatroom conversation between the biggest morons
ox bAByGrL169 xo: yoooo
SoSexii417: yoOoO
sexiikisses1: im here to let you two know how fish have babies
ox bAByGrL169 xo: waduppp dawgs
ox bAByGrL169 xo: omg you know?
SoSexii417: lets talk about sex baby
sexiikisses1: lol
ox bAByGrL169 xo: lets talk about you & me!
sexiikisses1: no lets talk about FISH
SoSexii417: lets talk about fish
sexiikisses1: lol
ox bAByGrL169 xo: haha
ox bAByGrL169 xo: sure thing
sexiikisses1: jamie steven?
SoSexii417: eww dont sound right
ox bAByGrL169 xo: haha smells like fish but not quite a fish
SoSexii417: lol
sexiikisses1: lolz sorry it was in the moment
sexiikisses1: okay
ox bAByGrL169 xo: haha
sexiikisses1: jutin michael gridley was partially right
ox bAByGrL169 xo: whaaaat
ox bAByGrL169 xo: no way
SoSexii417: woooooow
sexiikisses1: female fish do not get blood periods they spit out eggs
sexiikisses1: and they plant them on rocks
SoSexii417: ewwww
sexiikisses1: (what do u think the bumpy things are on the side of beach rocks0
sexiikisses1: *)
SoSexii417: yikes
ox bAByGrL169 xo: oo so like if i was a fish... wen it was suppose to be "my she she" i wud spit eggs outta my coochie
SoSexii417: hahahahahahahhahah
SoSexii417: omg
SoSexii417: she she
ox bAByGrL169 xo: "my she she" is that time of the month lol
sexiikisses1: then the male swims over and sits on the rocks and lays the eggs
SoSexii417: fishy
ox bAByGrL169 xo: code name
SoSexii417: okie that is odd
ox bAByGrL169 xo: ew fishes are gross
sexiikisses1: but no he isnt all mighty and powerfull like justin siid and fucking doushe sperm eevrywhere
SoSexii417: ya they r
SoSexii417: hahahha
ox bAByGrL169 xo: so if me & nemo make babies i needa make eggs come outta my cooch on a rock?
SoSexii417: lol
SoSexii417: yup
ox bAByGrL169 xo: omg how difficult
SoSexii417: lmao
sexiikisses1: they calmly sit on top of the eggs and they get warmed and they hatch
ox bAByGrL169 xo: now im never gona have fish babies
ox bAByGrL169 xo: sarah you sound like a genius lol
SoSexii417: i dont like this
sexiikisses1: and out of every 200 fish only 1 suvives
ox bAByGrL169 xo: aaaw
ox bAByGrL169 xo: how sad!
SoSexii417: okie we get it ra
sexiikisses1: wanna talk about the tsuanmi
sexiikisses1: ?
ox bAByGrL169 xo: omg
SoSexii417: no
ox bAByGrL169 xo: i wanna get an asian baby
sexiikisses1: YUCKEY
ox bAByGrL169 xo: no
sexiikisses1: ur his god mom
ox bAByGrL169 xo: mines gonna be bob
SoSexii417: im afraid of asians lol
ox bAByGrL169 xo: haha
sexiikisses1: Jancie u can be the god mom of kerries
ox bAByGrL169 xo: & im not gettin a guy cause i wud feel bad asians have lil dinkies
ox bAByGrL169 xo: and i wouldnt want my son to suffer in life
sexiikisses1: Get him a surgery nick carter did
ox bAByGrL169 xo: omg nah ah
SoSexii417: huih
ox bAByGrL169 xo: ti cant afford that
SoSexii417: huh*
ox bAByGrL169 xo: *i
ox bAByGrL169 xo: im gonna live in a crack house in downtown lynn with a million asian babies eating cats
SoSexii417: hahah that was the funnest thing i heard all day
ox bAByGrL169 xo: soryy brb i gutta go eat some nasty food
SoSexii417: or u can go to my house
SoSexii417: okie
we're weird?