(no subject)

Aug 27, 2010 13:27

I honestly just made this becuz I know at one point it will become handy.

Dramatic lightning!

Mulder being all Mission Impossible!

He’s just not having it.

Oh really?

There’s Scully like the angel she is.

MULDER: I didn't order room service.
SCULLY: This isn't funny, Mulder.

I love it when he laughs.

That’s partnership right there.

Shaking my head like ya…

Mulder: The *enigmatic* Dr. Scully.

I love the joy Mulder gets when he knows Scully is just not having it.


Scully just knows what’s coming.

SCULLY: Good luck
MULDER: I'll break a leg.

No government agency has jurisdiction over the truth.

I love how just after he gives this big speech he just grabs his crutches.

Heres the recent bunch. I got to say Mulder in a leather jacket is one of my favorite things about this episode. Until next time.
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