Feb 27, 2006 21:37
I can't say exactly how I feel about life right now
I feel like I love life and I'm happy, but at the same time I feel like it's alright and I'm only just getting by. It's strange.
Recent news? I joined a gym. I know it's hard to believe, but I gained too much weight and now I need to do something about it.
My manager at work hates me, it's the oatmeal theory. swear to god.
I have a new found love for Cortland. Going to visit Lizzy and Joey all the time. I've missed them so much and its so great to hang out with them again.
I've also been hanging out with a lot of new people and people that i never really saw that often, and i'm very happy whenever i'm with them.
off topic, but dan shaved for me today. he doesn't look like a fool anymore!
Oh! I found my glasses! i don't know what they were doing in my underwear drawer but im happy that they aren't lost for good.
This is such a random entry. Why am I so random? I've always wondered that. It's not the ADD. Eh, I'm just different I guess. That's ok, because you love me anyway :)