Where's the pr0n? *Here's* the pr0n! PIMP!

Dec 02, 2005 15:58

"After Midnight", some lovely Xangelus by altyronsmaker

Read it, or I'll kill ya.

Also, AU Xangel from that crazy diamond, crazydiamondsue, "Rodeo" (http://www.livejournal.com/users/crazydiamondsue/31385.html) and "Rodeo II"(http://www.livejournal.com/users/crazydiamondsue/82552.html).

Read that, or I'll kill ya.

And last--but not least--the lovely, English (and smutty, did I mention about the smutty?) ficbitcabear. "Pride" (http://www.livejournal.com/users/mirasol/135032.html#cutid1), which is S/X and "Life is a Cabaret, Old Chum", which is Wes/Connor(http://www.livejournal.com/users/crazydiamondsue/18525.html).

Read it, or . . . you know what'll happen.

Great stuff, all of it.

So . . . ya wanna write a slash sex-xcene?

death-threats, pimp, rec

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