Oct 27, 2009 23:21

Story the first, written by the one, the only, the incomparable, the shiny . . . vinniebatman!

Crack? Yes. But crack with heart. Crack with humor. Crack with hoomans.

Title: Enterprise Dog Park
Author: vinniebatman
Fandom: Star Trek 2009
Pairings: None, really. Though there are references forMcCoy/Chekov (McChekov? Chekoy? McChek? McCov?) and Gaila/Chapel
Rating/Warnings: Teen for references to animal abuse. And for the fact that this is a total crack AU where they’re almost all dogs.
Summary: “Leonard may have been a stupidnogoodbad dog, but he understood what the other dogs didn't.
Spoilers: None aside from character traits.
Disclaimer: I so totally own these works. Bow Down! *Doctor's Note: Patient exhibits delusions of grandeur and any claims of ownership toward Star Trek are pure fantasy. No harm is meant. Seriously, it's better than her throwing rocks at people.*

Enterprise Dog Park

If the first line of this fic doesn't get you, you've got a heart made of stone, if you've got one at all.

Also? Two ficlets by the one, the only, the bedazzling tabaqui!
Evidence of Things Not Seen (a quick Dean,Castiel,Sam . . . or if you're me, a quick Dean/Castiel,Sam.)
Trouble Never Comes Alone (BtVS/Firefly Xover. She took "Spike, Mal, and 'skedaddle'" and ran with it.)

There, flist, three fics I wish that I'd written, and by two people who, if I didn't love them so, I should be forced to murder until they were dead. And then I would steal their power for my very own, just like in "Ravenous". . . .

Read, comment, love, add to memories. And send me cash, if the spirit moves you.

I didn't draw today. Work was too hectic, plus I was doing the beta-thing (one sentence at a time, seriously, the phones were ringing off the hook) and the lithium kicked in like Refrigerator Perry. I didn't go from zero to rage once all day. And I usually go several times an hour.

Downside is . . . I could barely get outta bed this morning. Barely move, except that I didn't wanna be apathetic in a puddle of tinkle. I had to mainline Red Bull just to stay conscious and functioning at work. And I hate Red Bull. It tastes like ass-water. But my job doesn't have Monster or Rockstar in the vending machines, so I made do (did you guys know that has caffeine in it? I thought it just had taurine, or whatever. Not caffeine. Fucking ripoff ass-water). It was that or Mountain Dew, and . . . no. Just . . . no. Universes of no.

Every time my brain tried to go all nuclear-happy, it was like the Monty Python foot, wearing a really soft, comfortable slipper, came down on my . . . soul, for lack of a less woo-woo word. Not hard enough to squish, just hard enough to tamp it down. Like a beat-cop keeping a small time hood in line by nudging him with a night stick.

Is this how non-bipolar people feel all the time (minus the nudging)? So . . . lacking in energy and that practically-tripping-balls, operatic high that I didn't realize was so trippy and operatic till today? Seriously, my happy today was fairly proportionate to the experiences of the day. Which only illustrates how out of whack they were before. I miss that euphoria, but--but. I don't miss the rage. The rages scared me. And they followed the happys like night follows day. The two skipped hand in hand down sandy beaches together, enjoying the sunset and speaking of memories past.

But seriously, to all you non-crazies on the flist . . . is this how you feel all or most of the time? Just mid-range happy or sad, few dramatic swings, no summits and nadirs for something as random as "hey, I just found a dime" or "oh, fuck, I just misspelled that word"?

Still not really sleeping without the lorazepem. I did last night, the first night of the increased lithium dosage. But tonight, I'm wired for sound, high as a kite (figuratively). My body is getting the rest it needs, but the lorazepem doesn't shut my brain down like it should. Mentally, I still feel like I haven't slept since March or April. Staving off some kinda brain-collapse. But hopefully, in time, that changes and I can sleep like I used to when I was a kid. The good kind of sleep that resets your whole being.

Counseling session went well, today. Something about her just makes me babble all sorts of crap I don't usually talk about. As a result, I learned that randomly getting a powerful urge to slam my head down onto a coffee cup and thus puncture my right eye, for no reason at all, on a coffee stirrer? Is so not a common, sane-person urge. Especially in a non-stressful moment. Go fig.

star trek xi, crack, chekov, bones, mccoy/chekov, mccoy, au

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