Radom Update-y-ness

Jan 24, 2009 01:26

This is what happens when I change themes when I'm restless. Fucking bats, yeesh . . . never fear, I'll probably change it later today or Sunday. Something simpler, stream-lined. And most of all, bat-free.

Saw Underworld: Rise of the Lycans. Wasn't as good as the first two, but I dig Bill Nighy and Michael Sheen, so. . . .

And it really wasn't half bad. No one took a pickaxe to the head, and that was kind of a plus. And plenty of werewolves, which I love. The coolest monsters ever--they easily kick vampires' undead asses. And they're not as drippy as zombies.

If I can ever manage to write a novel, it'll probably be about werewolves.

Been in a foul mood all week--for the past few months, actually. The movie group hinted none to subtly that I needed to get some alcohol between me and my shitty attitude, rushing to the theater for choice seats aside. So I knocked back a double of Maker's Mark (it may have technically been a triple; the bar wench was quite liberal with her shots, and I tipped accordingly) on a mostly empty stomach. Ten minutes later, I was swaying, watching the box office spin. I was giggly--then nearly weepy when some lady gave me a free popcorn voucher she didn't want.

My faith in humanity isn't even remotely restored, but that was pretty nice of her. I've just left my vouchers laying around or tossed 'em when I didn't want popcorn. But at least I had something to absorb some of the booze, because I was sinking fast--but in a jollier way that even I would've expected. It may not improve my personality--really, what could possibly improve on all this perfection--but it certainly works wonders for my mood. . . .

There was a preview for a Paul Rudd comedy. Normally, he gives me the wiggins--dunno why--and in this movie, he makes out with a guy. Rather, a guy makes out with him, while he stands there looking gobsmacked. I think the point of the movie was something about how Paul Rudd is all lame and gorramn sissified and has no un-gay guy friends. And he was trying to find one who would also be the best man at his wedding--rehashed Odd Couple set up: slightly effeminate goody two-shoes befriends an obnoxious boor who will probably teach him valuable life lessons about dragging the stick out of his ass. I think the movie's called "I Love You, Man". Otherwise those beer ads from the nineties popped into my head for no reason whatsoever.

Yeah, so forget Paul Rudd and his dude-flavored kiss, the movie's got Jason Segel as the Free-Spirit/Slob and Andy Samberg as the Effortlessly-Hip Younger Brother. I'll follow those two funny bastids blindly into any flick, knowing my ass won't long remain unlaughed off.

Hah, that sentence was unwieldy at the end!

G'night, everybody :D

underworld, rl

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