Aug 01, 2005 17:16
screwy tonsalitis viral thingy..KISS MY ASS!!!!
i went to school this morning and went straight to sue cause i could not be FUCKED walking all the way up the stairs and then back down again! I told her i felt like shit and she took my temperature....FUCKIN 38 or some shit!!! She called amelia and was like..shes too sick to stay at school. Bummer...*cough*. Amelia made me an appoinment for me at like was 9 o' clock...what does she expect me to do for 2 hours?!?! So i slept until like 10: firty. Fuckin litle kids kept coming in and pissing me off...waking me up..little shits!! I had to walk all the way to Amelias work feeling like shit and i was so tired i kept thinking that i was was heaps weird. Got To Amelias work and she walked me to the doctors...two doors down. How convient!...the place smelt of old italian people...and the surgery had foriegn language everywhere....nice one Amelia. i had to pay...eftpos..but whats this...DECLINED!!! Dont you just hate that. you look so pov. Turns out screwie Centerlink havnt payed me yet....bastards. thats another thing i had to fuckin do before i could come home and sleep. fuck fuck FUCK.
So weekend...EVENTFULL!!!! friday night..cant remember..dont think it was that important..? On scatterday candice rocked up unexpectedly..oh yer..i remember what happened on friday now...i was with channys...whoopsies..I LUF YOU!! the go kart forms...and shit...umm?! {*Whisper*...I think Chantelles a lesbian...shhh! the lesbian..i mean...SHIT!!!} umm.....scatterday...: saw candice, went into town...VG..geez amelia, take your frigin time!! met up with screwie lewie a.k.a LEWIS..umm..bumped into Zaka, David T, Ray *{the Filo guy}*..and yer. Sat at the same friggin table for like two maybe three hours..POV!! found out i got my tax return...FOOD!!!!
Later that day....
lewis amelia and myself lying around on the lounge room floor trying to figure out which way we were suppose to be goin and whose turn it was next...FUCKIN MONOPOLY!!! Clock wise....anti clockwise...what is this shit..oh well..i got mayfair...what ever the fuck its called...the expensive one..I GOT IT!!! Next thing Channys and Darryl rocked up and we had to go staright away...we went ...drum roll please...(drrrrrrruuuuuumm....*cough*) GO-KARTING!!! we got lucky and were the last ones to be able to go in without a booking..OW YER!!! Elliot rocked up and yer...hes so cute....we did his hair at my house and he looked like a little baby girl!!!...hahahaha...true story! anyway... we were at HJ's across the road and had to stop drop and roll to get through all the traffic. Stupid hair net thingys! We had the track all to ourselves and i was slow as shit!!...i crashed so many times...and bumped into so many people. eep.
That night was the night of injuries...
Me: thrown around in the boot of the car... my teeth getting knocked out of place by lewis...darryls fault!
Chantelle: hmm...i musta done SOMETHING to her..?!?
1. Wedgied
2. Bitten
3. sack attacked
4. hit in the head with my teeth...darryls fault!
Elliot: when we both spun out just before the straight he hit the wall and his crotch just slammed into the thingy in front of him....youch. and then there was that time at Hungry Jacks...jumping over the bushes and he kinda got stuck and went face first into the concrete...idiot.
darrryl: duck taped, bitten, left on the floor...muwhahaha
Amelia: well she kinda popped a tyre on the go-kart...does that count?
Breet came round and we all jus chilled at my house till bout 11... yer throat hurts.