Jul 30, 2006 20:17
my credit card isn't over it's limit anymore.
i'm making around $1000 a month.
i get a lot of freebies.
my wardrobe is exciting thanks to excessive kleptomania and pathetic security.
i have raised the bar in my beer consuming practices (6-7 on any given "party" night).
celebrity gossip blogs.
addictive television.
garage sale.
lack of interesting/chill people.
physical pains due to heavy workload.
less sitting-around time.
my dad cancelled netflix because my brother threatened to spill orange juice on me when i tried to watch harry potter 4 with him.
i'm hopelessly addicted to yolanda's restaurant and i'm broke because of it. also, i'm always preggers with food.
it's so freakin' hot and humid outside. 24/7, literally.
working 30 hrs a wk plus free caffeine equals no sleep for me :(
seeing things,
hearing voices,
lack of sleep