So yesterday I went to see POTC II and I was so excited before I went because....well come on, it's POTC!!! But I was kind of dissappointed. It was good...but everybody said it was GREAT and of course I LOVED the first one...yeah, I was a little let down. I was gonna take my sister, then I asked Logan to go w/me but I didn't think that he was gonna remember. Plus he already saw it. But he remembered. Lol, his fam came too. I just have to say that his dad is SO HILARIOUS! His brother asked me if my sister was coming, I think he wanted her to! She was coming, but I told him that she might not and he looked sad. Then he was like "Yes!" but it was such a cover!! That kid likes Esther! Anyway, the end of the movie was abrupt and I didn't like it.
Well anyway, I wanted to see it with Becca. As much as Logan made the movie quite interesting (he was cracking me up the whole time with his stupidness and his love of Kiera Knightley), Becca is the only one who fully comprehends my obsession w/the lovely Orlando Bloom and his atrocious partner Mr. Depp. She's the only one who will actually watch POTC with me even though I can't fight the urge to say every line. *sigh* I missed you so much yesterday Becca. I kept wanting to turn to you and quote lines fom the first one and talk about inside jokes and giggle w/you.
Afterward it was lightning and thundering and drizzling outside, so I wanted to walk home cause it was SO PRETTY! Don't you love weather like that? I was gonna walk home by myself, but Logan walked w/me, after talkin a whole bunch of crap about how I wasn't right in the head for wanting to walk in the lightning. I think he feels he has to protect people, cause he never lets me walk home alone at night. He's such a father. I made fun of him a long time ago about how it doesn't matter because he couldn't help me if I was to get attacked, but then I immediately felt bad cause he means well and I hurt his feelings.
So Tuesday I went to talk to Londi at the chapel and it was the most fun I've had in so long, lol. We talked and went to the BX and then talked to her co-workers in the main building. They're hilarious. I love laughing so much, you have no idea. Anyway, they kept me entertained for a good two hours I forgot what I was going to say about that. OH! Yeah, I talked to Chris (the youth leader that left to Turkey and we all miss so much) on the phone, and he literally lives next to the third biggest mosque in the world!!!! Lol, i think that's hilarious. Then, when I asked him if the speaker announcing prayer came on 5 times a day, he said yeah. He said that his favorite announcer is in the morning, lol, cause he sounds so cheery and then the one towards lunch sounds so bored and then in the's over. He was like (and this is where I couldn't keep my laughter in check) "I don't really understand what they're saying, but it sounds something like this--" and proceeds to imitate the announcer guy. Omg, hearing a 26 yr. old man yodeling into the phone is an experience I hope that you all get to have. It was like the opening lion king song/an offbeat yodel *sigh* hilarious. Hey you should all go to his website ( cause he has pictures from every country he's been to and he journals like every week about wherever he is. It's amazing.
His life is what I want to do!!!!!!!
The world seems so open when I think about being a missionary. I get goosebumps thinking about all the possibilities and all the ways that Christ could use me. I want nothing more than to be His hands. I really hope that His plan for my life includes something madly exciting like that. I know that I have to start at home though, because I have to have a foundation. I have been praying that God would change my perspective on things, everything. Because I think that's all that needs to change. I want to se myself the way He sees me, and be able to realize that whatever He has planned is so awesome. Just simply awesome. I always realize that, but it's becoming a constant thing now, a constant truth in my mind and in my life that He loves me, and that changes so many things. I thought about Romans 12:2 about not being conformed to the world, but for our minds to be transofrmed and I've just been praying for that.
Anyway...that's enough writing for today. I feel like singing. I have to make an appt. for a physical, find out my AP scores, and register for the SAT and ACT. And go to the gym to work out my arms for v-ball. And vaccuum my room and watch Alias.
I think I used the word "I" like 0 times up there. Shame...
*correction* I meant to write "80 times" up there, not 0. The number keys on my keyboard are so tempramental.