In the New Place!

Feb 05, 2009 12:37

Well we moved in Sunday, which was a 'veeeery' busy day. I spent the morning from 8am til about 1pm at the house waiting for the internet man to come and set up our internet. Then since I had no phone and was bored out of my mind, I went to 7-11 and called Scott up at the old place. He was getting ready to bring a bunch of stuff in the truck over, figured he'd be over in about an hour. I had time to kill and was hungry so went to Taco Bell, a 15 minute or so walk down the street. Had a Nacho Bell Grande, with no meat and extra cheese. It was amazing!

So we spent the afternoon moving stuff in. Then finally got a hold of the guy we were buying a bunkbed frame off of. So Scott and his friend dropped me off at the old place to get the animal's ready to move and pack up a few more things that we'd need immediately while they went and picked up the bunkbed. Then once we had that all sorted and dropped off, Scott had to go back and get the dogs. It was after 9pm by that time. Kids were tired and were already in bed thankfully, which gave the dogs a chance to get used to the house without the kids making them more nervous. It's amazing but for our first night in the house, we both slept 'amazingly' well. I haven't slept that good in ages. Probably due to all the moving and work we'd done during the day.

Kids started at their new school on Monday. Had some issues with the bus not knowing where to drop them off at the end of the day. I was waiting at the bus stop as I'd been told and the bus never showed up. I called Scott in a panic from the corner store, then went home as I didn't know what else to do. The bus had dropped them off at home! When no one was at home! Thankfully they just went into the backyard and stayed there. Then I spent an hour on the phone trying to figure out what the hell had happened. Called the school, got told they couldn't give any bus info out, told to call one bus company, I called them, they couldn't tell me a thing, told me to call the AM bus company as they were just PM, I called them, couldn't tell me a thing either, told me to call the PM bus company back and ask for the school bus ID number, if they had that they could tell me the am bus stop. So I called back, guy said his boss was coming back in a few minutes, he'd give me a call back. He calls back 10 minutes later or so and gives me the 'same' information I was told in the very first place, obviously I was at the right stop, but they refused to explain what happened and why the mixup.

The next day my husband talks to them, finds out supposedly the bus couldn't make the one turn onto the street they told me. So they were going to move the busstop a block down the road and that the bus company would be calling me later on that day. They call and turns out they'd changed the busstop location 'again' making it just down the road from us, about 5-6 houses distance down on the same street we live on. Which is MUCH better and much closer and we don't have to cross the intersection to get to the busstop like before. And the bus drops them off right infront of the house at the end of the day. So in the end it thankfully has worked out for the best.

And with 7-11 being so close, (it's no more than a minute walk at the most! I basically just have to walk through the parking lot at the back of the building and I'm there :D ) it's incredibly handy when the kids are in school and I want a snack for myself. The kids were at school yesterday and so I went over at lunch and got a bag of Dorito's and a Pizza Smokie hot dog! Was the best lunch I'd had in a while :D And my morning sickness seems to have disappeared so I'm constantly hungry all the time now and food actually agrees with me! Yay! My belly is starting to poke straight out as well, oddly enough it looks bigger looking down on it, then it does from the side. Or at least to me it does. Will have to get some more belly photo's done soon.

I'm also on the old laptop as we haven't set our computer up yet. Where we were going to put the computer (in the kitchen) is too far away from where the modem had to be set up (in the livingroom) and our wireless isn't working for some reason so it looks like we may just have to set the computer up in the corner in the livingroom.

I'm even surprised the laptop is working. We bought a new computer over a year ago because the laptops had died or were dying. This one is the better of the two, the other missing half it's key's and I don't remember what else wrong. This one at least is only missing 2 key's and they're key's I don't even need. But it's 'really' slow at times. I can't even watch video's on youtube because it's jsut 'too' slow. :(
But it's better than no internet at all at least!

laptops, new house, computers, 7-11

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