Idiot's at our Internet Provider Company

Oct 21, 2006 13:48

This will most likely be quick, I get to get out of the house, without kids for a bit this afternoon! I'll most likely be gone until sometime next week, am hoping Monday if the idiot's at our internet company manage to get things right for a change. We're giving the modem back that we've been borrowing this afternoon so this'll be it for today :D

But a short run down on the idiot's at the internet company. Since our internet connection worked with a friends modem, Scott called up the company last monday to tell them that it's the modem that's the trouble, (as they were sending someone out last Thursday to 'look' at it and figure out what the problem was, meaning most likely weren't bringing a modem) so the guy on the phone says "oh well in that case we can just SEND you a modem instead of someone coming to see you" well that's good, means we figured we might even get the modem sooner. A day or so later, an empty box comes in the mail, for us to send the old modem back. But no new modem. Scott calls, the guy says "Oh we don't send modems out. You have to have an appt so someone come and bring you one. I have no idea why the other guy told you that."

But the guy who scott spoke to on Monday, since he said they were going to SEND us a modem, CANCELLED the appt on Thursday for someone to come to the house! Soooo ... we had no modem and no Thursday appt anymore. And that was after having to wait a week for someone to come see us. So they've set an appt (again) for someone to come and bring a modem on Monday. Like hell we're sending their modem back to them through the mail. They can just wait like we have to. Idiots.
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