"More than 75% of all deaths in the European Region are caused by noncommunicable diseases,
the highest proportion in the world."
"According to The world health report 2002, a BMI above 21 accounts for 10-13% of
deaths and 8-15% of DALYs1 in the European Region, a rate that is in general higher than that
in other parts of the world."
"Although the numbers of those overweight (BMI over 25) and obese (BMI over 30) are rising
everywhere, The world health report 2002 revealed that Europe now has one of the highest
average BMI of all WHO regions - nearly 26.5."
"Overweight affects some 25-75% of the adult population in countries of the Region."
"Currently almost 400 million adults in the Region are estimated to be
overweight and about 130 million to be obese."
"Childhood obesity is an acute health crisis. Various studies estimate that 10-30% of European
children aged 7-11 years and 8-25% of adolescents (14-17 years) carry excess body fat"
"The figures
show a clear upward trend, even in countries with traditionally low rates of overweight and
obesity such as France, the Netherlands and Norway."
"The epidemic is spreading at particularly alarming rates in children. In France, for example, the
prevalence of childhood overweight and obesity increased from 3% in 1960 to 16% in 2000. In
Poland the prevalence increased from 8% to 18% between 1994 and 2000, while Hungary
reports that 20% of children aged 11-14 years are obese and that 6% of obese children suffer
from hypertension."
"It should no longer be acceptable to blame individuals alone for their obesity. The causes of the
rapidly growing epidemic are societal and will require substantial changes of strategy."
Extracted from