Oct 25, 2001 21:04
muwahahah. today was a el good day. i got some easy stuff in geometry so i shouldn't fail the stuff we're doing now. can't say anything for the whole nine weeks though. if i make a 77 this nine weeks i will have 70 average for the semester, which means i won't have to take it again next year or go to summer school. in english i should be able to get by with about an 80 or 85... although i failed with a 52 last nine weeks, due to not turning in many assignments that were worth lots of points... history, if i stay in there. i will fail. no questions. therefore, i am having my father write me a note requesting that i be taken out of challenge history and placed in college prep history. all i know is that i don't want ms hubbard as a teacher. she's cool, but she's boring, and her tests are mega mega hard. biology i just need to pay attention. drama and art are no problem. spanish i think i can handle.
kaatie biiggglleeeyy you will buuuuuuuuy my guitaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrr..... *dangles pocket watch*
i think i'm going to get a hair cut tomorrow. yay! i'm kinda thinking of getting it cut kinda short... but probably not i think i'll just get it trimmed up a little. it's taken me tooooooo long to grow my hair like this than to just chop it off now. but perhaps i'll go short. probably not. decisions decisions. black people constantly ask me why i don't get my hair braided, and i constantly reply because when white people cornrow their hair, it looks incredibly disgusting, due to the pasty white-ness of our scalps. indeed indeed. perhaps i will shave my head bald, going for the Maynard look. perhaps not.
esther got herself an electronic gee-tar. yippee! now, i need money so I can get a new one. damn my financial status to hell! i also need to get my guitar fixed so if i sell it whoever buys it doesn't say 'dammit this is broken' becaus erigt now it sucks but when i fix it it will be um... fixed.