001. c r e d i t - Not necessarily required but very much appreciated. Plus, I'd love you if you do so. ♥
For icons, you can type
just_ragdoll or
_barrage when you upload the icon. And oh, strictly for livejournal use only. If I see you use this somewhere else, don't expect anything good.
002. c o m m e n t - I'd love to hear what you think about it or maybe a simple 'thank you' would also work.
003. d i r e c t l i n k or hotlinking - Please do save on your own server. If you don't know any, I recommend
004. s t e a l i n g - Stealing is defined as, according to the wonderful
Dictionary.com, the taking of the property of another without right or permission. In my case, you don't need to ask, per se, but I would appreciate it if you told me you'll be using it. Oh, just so you know, stealing is a bad thing.
005. c o p y r i g h t - Just so you know, claiming as yours is also a bad thing. So is copying my work, re-distributing and altering.
006. u s a g e - Whatever picture, song, album, icon, graphic is free and anyone can use it but please just follow the other rules whenever you use it.
007. a s k - If you have any questions or the rules still seem unclear, please don't hesistate to ask. But before you do, please read the
faq first.
008. s t i l l b r e a k i n g t h e r u l e s ? - Well, if all else fails, there's always karma.