Mar 23, 2005 21:51
Hmm well there is no positive side of today cept there was a half day and me and Cara walked to Wendy's, OH YEA AND THERE WAS A FIGHT WITH WALDER AND GRYKIN-Grykin won and there was a fight at Wendy's-idk who won...The fact it was drama filled day as usual, some kid ate some of my fries so I ate a piece of his sandwhich(asshole didn't think I would do it), it was raining, my umbrella was like freakin out and tryin to eat me, o and my hair went totally bizzurk not so positive. Kyle came by after bein at Mark's for awhile and stayed til the rain died down so he could walk/run home..guess that was positive 2 cause I can never see him too much, it's not in my vocabulary. I had guard at 6:15 and when I went to get Annemarie Tank was goin crazy as usual and jumped up got Annemarie's hood and pulled her back lol! Yea guard sucked and I went to go say Hi to Mark but Grykin was being annoying so I left. Saw Kyle later and talked for him a bit til Terry came..AHH hate practicing when it envolves her. Yea well from being sick I already had no energy and she cept making us do everything over and over again til we we didn't even drop once.. SORRY WE'RE NOT GOD!!! W/e so I felt like shit the whole night and I felt like I was gonna throw up and not cool. Kyle went to go see the Ring 2 with Mark, Grykin, and Kev after he finally persuaded me to go see it with him cause I figured Kim already saw Ring 2 cause she loved the 1st one. O well guess thats one less movie to be parinoid over. I still need to see the 1st one anyway so I guess it's for the best. I think I might be goin to Macy's with my sis tomorrow to get some stuff from Clinique for my face and such. Then God knows what. I kinda feel bad that Tommy has to go to church Thursday, Friday, and Saturday so maybe I'll go with him tomorrow cause I'm good like that..if not probably friday. OH EM GEE! FLORIDA IS ALMOST HERE! i think it's like 5 days AWESOME! All I know is that I need to get Mickey's autograph or I'll seriously cry..u guys that are going U GOTTA HELP ME FIND HIM!!! Well I guess I better get to work..I think I'll write a letter on pretty Disney paper and make it smell yummy! Night I guess ppls. I'll leave u a lil something I made up..I'm pretty sure no one thought of it maybe I'm just oblivious to the world.* Oh and just to let Terry to know I'm sorry I BREATHED WRONG along with everything else I do un-Godlike
I'm nothing you ever wanted and everything you wished never happened*
Lost In What Could of Happened and What Didn't