Sep 04, 2004 15:10
I love hurricanes! Tia and Tiffany came over yesterday and it was a great time! I love how tia and danny were fighting the hole time. So Vance and friends came over, i felt bad for the black guy he kinda seemed out of place? haha Then we went over to my neighbor erics house. And when Chris came home his friend droped him off and it turned out to be this guy that i have known since like 2nd grade that iwent to church with. It was a nice little reunion. Eric had 4 beers in his pocket? and it was the weirdest sight. He wasnt all there by the time we left. When we came over at about 12 30 we watched drop dead gorgeous. THE BEST MOVIE EVER. Tiffany was on the phone and i stayed up and listened to her and tia fell asleep it was amazing. We got up this morning and tia left, then i talked my dad into getting me and tiff milkshakes from Dairy Hut. YUM. Now tiffany is sleeping with stanlee and i am doing nothing? YES. Luv Ya *Ashlee*