Aug 19, 2005 17:51
Okay so, I haven't been on much. First week of school..just..blah. I'm fucking tired. Luckily God made energy drinks. I like, Live off of red bull and monster now.
Well, as you guys may know I've been going out with Nick. It hasn't really been serious. I thought I liked him but its just kind of a blah thing now. I realized I really don't want a boyfriend right now. He wanted me to come over tomorrow with Nikki and Theresa but I really don't want to go. I Just told him we should just be friends and he signed off so, I dunno. I rather spend time with my anna. She'll be gone and like, I'll be partially dead. We fight, we disagree. Alot. But I fucking love her.
Also, My Grandma is in town from Arizona. Parents went off and she'll be babysitting me and my brother..Parents don't trust me I guess. More on that later.
My mother on the other hand has been really upset with me. This is basically how my day goes:
1.Get Yelled At For Not Waking Up
2.Get Up And Stare At Wall While Checked On To Make Sure Awake
3.Get Yelled At For Not Being Ready
4.Get Yelled At For Stupid Reason I can't figure out.
5.Go To School
6.Meet Up With Nick, Don't talk about anything
7.Find Michelle, Drink another Monster or Red Bull
8.Stare Aimlessly at Omar while he attempts to be funny
9.Talk about ozzfest to Marc while Nick says nothing and talks to this other chick
10.Walk to lunch with Nick, Repeativly answer his question "You still like me?"
11.Find Kevin and Theresa and make fun of Kevin For playing with a 'sack' during lunch
12.Bite Janelle and get a call from my mom, yelling
13.Get out of school, Walk home with Nikki and Michelle, Get a call from my mom saying shes sorry for yelling
14.Get home, get yelled at for my 'attitude'
15.Try to do Homework
16.Go to bed.
Yeah so, My moms been yelling at me alot lately. My attitude. She says I already fucked up on the first daydd. I didn't get my spanish. Guess my dream came true about failing huh? Failure. Sometimes I think if one day I'll die like, at a young age all they'd do is be relieved and start over with Lukas. Eh.
One weird thing is, I'm worried about fucking mortality. I mean, that can't be good when I'm only 13. Well Going on 14 but still. Nikki Sixx even said, Well even Mick Mars..well basically every older person says "You worry more about your mortality when your older" fuck this shit
I miss you Gee Gee.