Jan 09, 2005 20:55
today I woke up and got to thinking, i eventually came to the conclusion that i hate a lot of the scene kids, a Lot. Not for any personal reasons, i just hate them for being so stupid and incompetent. There are two kinds of scene kids in my eyes. One is the smart one, the one that reads good books and is very smart and takes pride in their intelligence and good taste. I like those. The ones I hate are the other ones, the stupid ones that live for shows and their hearts beat in breakdowns or whatever. the kids with no real future plans. the ones that pierce everything they can think of and stretch everything to a size -30 all in hopes of being cool or accepted or whatever. most of which have no idea why they did it in the first place. They just feel if they do whatever they feel is cool then they themselves will become cool. The scene kids, the "emo" kids like that, i cannot stand. But all these stupid scene kids want is to be accepted so badly that they'd do anything to be a part of this world that they have established in their ignorant minds.I don't know sometimes they just really piss me off. But then at the end of the day i drew to the conclusion that these stupid children are only trying to make themselves happy, even if they are just taking in the personalities of every other helpless scene kid. What they fail to realize is that you can only emulate appearance and not intelligence. Sorry everyone i know this entry is a little angry but i really can't stand those gosh darn scene/emo kids or whatever the hell you want to call them. I just think they are all fake people without a future and will fall down as easily as they came up.