Mar 17, 2005 15:43
lets begin on the bitching about my day. lets see.......i woke up late, got to school late, but didnt get in trouble, left my headphones at home, left my lunch money at home so amber bought me 2 bags of cheesefries and a milk so i owe her like $.60 now, she was going to get me breadsticks but they were 1.25, and ithought that meant for i got them and they were 2.50 so i was liek im not paying for that that's fuckign ridiculous. plus .25 for the fcuckign sauce that tastes like shit? hell no. we aren't made of money. what else, uhhh science OGT, i had to take a science test i had no clue how to do so i got the answers off allie, watched forest gump in history adn it made me depressed when jenny dies, broke my favorite hairband, melissa mathews intentionally tried to trip me so i fuckign screamed at her and told her if she does it again im fuckign beating her ass (sadly i hope she does it so i can fucking slug her in her fucking face), dustin had to go home, my car broke down last night, we have no car, no money, my favorite eyshadow broke in my purse, im out of coverup, i need hamster food before melee` dies. and i think that's all for right now. im so fucking pissed off. i seriously want to go stand in the middle of robbin's avenue and let a car just fucking take me out. and this didn't make my day any better.
STABandTWISTxXx (3:43:35 PM): lmao andrew walked up to him and was like your band fuckin sucks and gave him a dollar and was like go buy a double cheesebuger you skinny fuck
--kenny, you and your friend are stupid. i hope anythign and everything you do in life never gets accomplished. at least they're out there trying. and i think their music's great and im glad you hate it beacuse we don't need people in the word liek you two who call people names. fucking assholes. i love scatter the ashes and daryl is hott. im going to go do something constructive before i make bad decisions and resort to alcohol for bad fuckign days and/or stab myself. bye