Jul 16, 2007 19:05
You have to use 3 words to answer each question. No more, no less.
It may be harder than you think.
1. Where is your cell phone?
In my bedroom
2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend?
Has nice abs
3. Your hair?
Is pretty long
4. Where is your father?
At the table
6. Your favorite thing to do?
Is Alex Roman ;P
7. Your dream last night?
Involved something nice
8. Your favorite drink?
Is cranberry juice
9. Your dream car?
I couldn't say
10. The room you're in?
Has two couches
12. Your fears?
Suffocation, doctors, ferriswheels
14. Who did you hang out with last night?
My boyfriend Alex
15. What you're good at?
Making awesome cards
16. Muffins?
Are better banana
17. One of your wish list items?
Many square plates
18. Where did you grow up?
Here in Beachwood
19. The last thing you did?
Drank some juice
20. What are you wearing?
Nothing at all
23. Your computer?
Is right here
24. Your life?
Is pretty good
25. Your mood?
I'm alright, thanks
26. Missing?
Last year's gymnastics
27. What are you thinking about right now?
Rae's coming over
28. Your car?
Doesn't exist yet
29. Your job?
See above answer
30. Your summer?
Isn't so bad
31. Your favorite color(s)?
Is probably teal
32. When is the last time you laughed?
Yesterday with Alex
33. Last time you cried?
At gymnastics today
34. School?
Is usually awesome