Sep 23, 2005 09:30
so, i didnt get cast in into the woods either. im thinking of giving up theatre. i mean i take a break to have a child, when i come back noone wants to cast me???? its gonna take a show that i want to odo SOOOO bad to get me to come back and audition. its just hard to keep getting shot down!!!!
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as for amber and tev... i love you both so just ignore this jackass
Steve Isaacson, DMTC
I <3 you, Amber!!
don't worry about the people who don't put their names... they obviously don't want you to know who they are for a reason... they just want to act like children and stay "anonymous"... they don't want to own up to what they are saying... cowards
steve - thanks for your comment... people shouldn't speak for those that they don't really represent... so good job setting it straight :)
1) there should be spelled THEIR
2) fell should be spelled FEEL
3) alot should be spelled A LOT
4) cant should be spelled CAN'T
3) develope should be spelled DEVELOP
4) consided should be spelled CONSIDERED
5) miiler should be spelled MIILLER
6) ones should be spelled ONE'S
P.S. Amber had a kid you moron
For one who seems to despise theatre politics, you seem to be playing into them a great deal. If you believe that posting anonymously lacks cowardice, then not only are you wrong, but contradictory as well. You choose not to put your name out of fear that your chances of being cast would lessen. Newsflash! Fear=cowardice. Get a thesaurus, moron.
And what right have you to criticise another's talent and judge their performance skills? Perhaps if we knew who you were (instead of hiding your idintity out of fear) Amber, as well as her numerous supporters, might have some idea as to the validity of your opinions. However since you choose to continue in your anonymity, you are in no place to judge others, so own up, or shut up ( ... )
i would like to thank you mr. miiler for opening the door for everyone to express how they feel without risking the chance of losing ones place on the list of "cool kids".
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