
Sep 23, 2005 09:30

so, i didnt get cast in into the woods either. im thinking of giving up theatre. i mean i take a break to have a child, when i come back noone wants to cast me???? its gonna take a show that i want to odo SOOOO bad to get me to come back and audition. its just hard to keep getting shot down!!!!

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get over it!!! anonymous September 29 2005, 22:26:43 UTC
you did not get cast in two shows for one reason, talent. you may think you are the most talented person in this area (as your aunt pointed out) but not everone feels this way. you have a nice voice but as far as stage presence goes you are dead air. it is almost as hard to watch you as it is tev ditter. i dont know where you people get off being angry when you dont get cast. you are not the best thing out there. for everyone of you amber moore there is usualy three or four that can one up you. so, get over yourself. you are not that good! realize that better is out there and they will get things over you.


wow anonymous September 29 2005, 22:48:07 UTC
wow... whoever wrote the comment right above this one is really a sad and pathetic person... way to bring innocent people down... you must be very lonely...

as for amber and tev... i love you both so just ignore this jackass


Re: wow anonymous September 29 2005, 22:58:39 UTC
Will everyone please stop this! I spoke to Amber today and we straightened everything out. It is counter-productive for all involved to keep this bashing up. Amber has no problem with Jan or myself or DMTC, so stop sending her hate comments. That is not fair. If you have any problem with me or DMTC please email me and don't post behind our backs...thank you.

Steve Isaacson, DMTC


Re: wow duckysings_03 September 30 2005, 06:14:02 UTC
I love that Steve wrote this. I know he probably won't read again.. but if he does I think its wonderful!

I <3 you, Amber!!


Re: get over it!!! _bamber_ September 29 2005, 22:56:15 UTC
please start putting your name for a change!!!!


Re: get over it!!! anonymous September 29 2005, 23:05:18 UTC
amber - it's erin...

don't worry about the people who don't put their names... they obviously don't want you to know who they are for a reason... they just want to act like children and stay "anonymous"... they don't want to own up to what they are saying... cowards

steve - thanks for your comment... people shouldn't speak for those that they don't really represent... so good job setting it straight :)


Enough already! anonymous September 30 2005, 17:23:01 UTC
Hello all ( ... )


Re: Enough already! anonymous September 30 2005, 20:30:35 UTC
michael - erin jones here... i am the one that posted the "coward" comment, but it was not directed at you - your comment was well written and articulate. instead, my comment was directed to those "anonymous" people who posted extremely negative comments. i personally believe that anyone who would post such horribly inflammatory remarks - and not just general remarks, but very personal remarks - and not "own up" to these remarks is acting in a cowardly way. if it was required to show your name, i'm sure some of these inflammatory comments would not have been made - those "anonymous" people should think about that. sorry if i offended you - it wasn't intentional... i should have been more clear :)


Re: Enough already! anonymous September 30 2005, 22:27:13 UTC
the reason one does not post there name is not to be a "coward". it is because if one said the way they felt out loud chances of getting cast would be small. i fell the way i do about amber, tev and many others that you sacramento people consider to be so amazing. yes they may have something going for them but honestly like i said before, there is always better out there ( ... )


Re: Enough already! anonymous September 30 2005, 23:27:46 UTC
HAHAHAHAHA...learn how to spell...

1) there should be spelled THEIR
2) fell should be spelled FEEL
3) alot should be spelled A LOT
4) cant should be spelled CAN'T
3) develope should be spelled DEVELOP
4) consided should be spelled CONSIDERED
5) miiler should be spelled MIILLER
6) ones should be spelled ONE'S

P.S. Amber had a kid you moron


Re: Enough already! anonymous October 1 2005, 00:21:06 UTC
Yes, you are a coward because you are avoiding any responsibility of your anonymous degrading comments due to fear of losing favor among your peers. When reading some of the things you've written, I must know, what credibility do you have to judge people in such a way? What is it that you contribute to the stage, oh mighty one ( ... )


Re: Enough already! forgivengeful October 3 2005, 19:35:05 UTC
Clarification: This is not directed at those supporting their case by posting their names and/or providing encoragement, but rather those who refuse to take ownership of their derogatory, and inarticulate comments.

For one who seems to despise theatre politics, you seem to be playing into them a great deal. If you believe that posting anonymously lacks cowardice, then not only are you wrong, but contradictory as well. You choose not to put your name out of fear that your chances of being cast would lessen. Newsflash! Fear=cowardice. Get a thesaurus, moron.

And what right have you to criticise another's talent and judge their performance skills? Perhaps if we knew who you were (instead of hiding your idintity out of fear) Amber, as well as her numerous supporters, might have some idea as to the validity of your opinions. However since you choose to continue in your anonymity, you are in no place to judge others, so own up, or shut up ( ... )


Re: Enough already! anonymous October 1 2005, 08:00:57 UTC
There is another philosophy that our thoughts become words, our words cause action, and that action creates the reality within which we live our lives.

i would like to thank you mr. miiler for opening the door for everyone to express how they feel without risking the chance of losing ones place on the list of "cool kids".


Re: Enough already! anonymous October 1 2005, 08:33:16 UTC
WTF? I can't tell who this is or what this person is trying to even say.


Re: get over it!!! funshinebear4 September 29 2005, 23:12:26 UTC
wow.....curiosity got to me and I read all this....Amber for what it is worth, I enjoy watching your performances that I have seen :o)


Shame on all of you anonymous September 29 2005, 23:10:47 UTC
Sep. 23rd, 2005|09:30 am ( ... )


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