the most embarassing 23 minutes of my life:
today i didn't have class til 3:30. i was pretty sick so i slept til 1:30. took a shower. got ready for class. ate some cereal. and left.
i ended up being about 7 or 8 minutes late. i walked in the door, saw that there were no seats (also known as MY WORST FEAR.) and instead of reacting i stood there frozen in time while 40 people stared at me and the professor stopped talking. then in total panic i ran out of the classroom. (see illustration 4.1.)
once i got to the hallway i realized i needed to get a chair and get back into that classroom. i walked up to class rooms stared inside saw people and got increasingly more nervous. instead i locked my self in a bathroom stall and gasped for breath for about 3 minutes.
after this i realized it was too long after my running out of class experience and i was too embarassed to return to class anyway. however, i was still in a state of panic so i went to the closest computer lab to ask for advice. i sat myself down, opened up aim and my email and chit chatted away for about 8 minutes. when i realized i was in a classroom.
in another state of panic i got up to leave the classroom, slammed my leg on the desk, laughed awkwardly and hit my bag on the door frame on the way out.
oh my god.
illustration 4.1:
an embarassed elizabeth jane kuchlewski probably made this face in front of a crowd of people on march 7th, 2006.