i got tagged twice. i give in.

Jul 21, 2005 02:20

The game of five. --
People can only play when tagged --
You can make up new questions, delete questions, add questions, or keep the same, whatever. --
The people you tag must add one more than what you have

Six Different Places You'd Like To Live:
on a street with a bridge
unicorn ave
hershey, pa
montreal. if i could stand cold.
a house near the four corners. so i could invite casey over.

Six Celebrities You Think Are Swell:
mandy moore
scarlett johannson
kirsten dunst
bill murray
luke wilson
chad michael murray.

Six Amazing Things:
free parking
day off day
new clothes
anything under 9.99
this summer.
free pictures

Six things you don't like:
the sound of ice
shitty ass days
being sleepy
having to print shitty pictures.
the cost of gas
working every fucking day.

Six Things You Miss About Your Childhood:
genuinely liking my dogs.
genuinely liking my dad's company
my crusade for saving ant's lives
the constant camping
never ever having to think about money, not even for one second.
when the girl accross the street wasn't married, graduated from college, had no husband who drives up mountains, and just played my little ponies together everyday.

Six Movies you like:
saved !!!
lost in translation
jurassic park
how to deal
28 days later

Six things you are:
not clean
a little itchy
freakin tired
happy to be able to sleep in tommorow
eating strawberries

Six TV shows you like:
degrassi: next generation
law + order, svu
the real world
true life
thinking of one more is way too hard

Six Favorite Musical People/Groups:
rilo kiley
mates of states
death cab. maybe it's lame and cliche, but i'm really pumped for the new cd.

Six Types of Music You Dig:
cheesy 80's beats.
mad good rap
i'm a sucker for anything with a key board and a girl
slam jams
anything that would make it onto a MTV Grind cd from 1994.

Six Favorite Random things that have a special place in your heart:
xx xy
80s night
long talks in cars
airport beach
70s lane

Six Things You Want to Do before you die:
say farewell to massachusetts for a while
do it with a model
say farewell to u.s. for a vacation.
fall in for real love
never not have friends
not be impovrished.

Six Jobs You'd like to have:
are you friggen kidding me? i can't even think of one.

Six Things You Might Not Know About Me:
i might actually graduate college in four years
i can sleep with some one else in my bed. i'm not going to say that i hate to sleep alone. that is simply untrue.
i love complimenting people the minute they get out of my car
i reallyreally don't like to be negative
i don't mind if you drive home.
yes i do want to pick you up. yes i do what to go to extravagent places with you. and yes i do want to meet all of your friends.

Six foods I really, really like:
PIZZA. number one forever.
big soft m+m cookies
veggie stir fry
apples + a bottle of water
english muffies with penut butter

Six Biggest Fears:
finding bugs in my food
moldy fruit/veggies/bread
finding bugs in my hair
getting fired.... ever.
car accidents
crying in public

These are the six people I tag....
EYNAT <333
i dont have anymore friends :(

Six things I'd like to see launched into space...
new rock.
babies that cry in public
anyone who plans on sucking hard core in the future

Six favorite books
holy cow i can't think anymore holycowholycowholycow.

i've been here for years.

have you ever had one of those days? you know the kind, where so much ridiculously stupid things happen to you in one day that the next ridiculously stupid thing seems completely arbitrary? yep. i had one of those days.
woke up two hours late.
was two hours late to work.
left some one at work ALL ALONE because everyone else called out.
had to get paper out of the smelliest chemicalliest of all the chemicals they use to develop pictures.
broke the printer.
jammed my finger.
had my tsm come in after i came in to work two hours late and was wearing my bathing suit and a tee shirt. wicked professional.
got a ticket issued ONE MINUTE after my meter ran out.
saw a car accident.

not to mention i have a crush on a boy who works the carts.
crushes at boys in my work place? who am i? erin hegner?
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