Bad Writer. :[

Apr 16, 2005 19:19

Jared is an awful guy. Let Me tell you about Jared. Jared, he had a captivating smile-this is how we met.
The first day we were officially face to face, I was in A Bright pink shirt ( I made sure I was Ready ) and My Favorite button up pants. He other the hand, had a beanie on. Which - I slowly grew to hate. It had an ugly symbol on it that looked like a fucking star or some shit. The rest of his clothes: They were dark and Grungy, and I really didn't mind.
We were in a dusty, beat up truck. The truck was a yellow white, It was parked in my drive way. The sun was just setting and it was breezy. The reason we were on the bed of this ugly beat up rusty truck was because, Jared kept calling my brother and pleading him to ask me to go out front of my house.
Jared and I were not the most talkitive at first. We sat on the bed of the truck listening to other peoples conversations: Chris was sitting on the side walk smoking a cigarette showing Jordan a smoking trick, Cole and Kyle had just gotten back from Coles house getting boxing gloves, so we heard smacking from them punching eachother and occasional "Ows".
Jared came off as a nice friendly guy But, later I would know that the "nice friendly guy" I had met, would turn into a low life loser and Here are the Reasons:

1-He smoked. Every ten Minutes he would have a cancer stick in his hand, coughing because he had asthma. The little dick he would go into his grand-parents room while they were gone, or at work and steal packs of cigarettes at a time. Dousche? CERTAINLY.

2-He Ditched School. Jared would ditch an exsessive amount of school, Only to go to the Mall. He asked me to go along with him but, I said "UHM. NO." Ditching would only affect his Grades, And Career later down the road. I would always tell Jared that he shouldn't. Loser.

3-He Masturbated Constantly. Jared would call me up breathing heavily. I would ask him " What's wrong?" and he'd reply with " I just got done smoking a cigarette, It's my Asthma, Remember? " I would constantly reply with " alright ". A few moments later, I'd hear disturbing smaking and grunting sounds. He said " I'm playing with my dog ". UHM. NO, Jared did not even have a dog. REPULSIVE.

Despite the Fact that he was a loser, I stuck with him for awhile. We lasted for about two months. Maybe I stayed with him because I had a feeling of Security of being loved just by someone. Or maybe because he was there and we shared common ground. Even though most girls date losers, The losers are what teach us the anatomy of someone we do not want to be with for the rest of our lifes.

I had broken up with Jared a little after Valentines Day even if HIS feelings were getting stronger, and mine slowly untwined. We were two different people trying to clash together and that's what I told him. Did he understand? No. What boy understands why a girl breaks up with him?. I still see Jared. Well, of course i'd see him from time to time, He lives practically three houses down from me.
Is he still a loser? Yes, He's gotten worse that he already was. But, Me on the other hand I'm peachy keen and from that day forth I promised my self that I would not waste my valuable loving to some that didn't deserve it. At all.
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