Apr 14, 2004 15:57
yesterday was sooooo much fun. well actually i got into an argument w/ mr. penishead after band, so fukccccccc him. he also talked bout me 2 alexa like i couldnt hear his stupid voice. im gunna bitch slap him 1 day my goodnees but during mrs. herwitt's class (btw we had mr. mikolajczyk as a sub) i went 2 guidance&told mr. d'andrea how i wanted to quit band. &i told him other junk too. during 5a i jus wanted to kill him. everything else was boring. then i had track after school. it was pretty fun. kemil directed the excersises&mr. silipena taught us some agility things&then the starting position for sprinting. our 1st meet is may 3rd. after practice i was walkin round the school&it started pouring outta nowhere&i was completely soaked&especially my stupid shoes bc its mesh. GRR. then i ran into britt&we talked&she took me home. then later on, me&casey were talkin bout goin 2 the film festival but werent sure, but then we ended up goin anyway&we met up with lexa. it was soososososo much fun. adrian diaz is so fukcin hot, especially in the real world NJ video when he wore them tight tight shorts&shirt. hes soooo funny my goodness. &did i mention hes so fukcin hot? the other videos were cool too. the cheesepimps video was pretty cool. i loved the timmy video too. it was so cute. during intermission me&casey saw _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. haha&she didnt talk to him =). i saw soo many of my friends like kat, amanda, ashley, erica, britt, kim, chelsea, christina, lauren&some of my bro's hot ass friends. ROAR. then caseys dad took us home.
today i told my dad that i wanted to quit band&he seemed pretty pissed at me&sed we have to discuss this 2night. douche bags. school day was pretty good until 5a b/c mr. fukcin penishead had to yell @ me b/c i didnt play during the end of semper fukcin fidelis. i hate that song. stupid patriotic shit seriously. but whatever i hate him it doesnt matter but then he ended up makin me cry but not cry cry jus a little tears. hes sucha douche tho i hate his bald ass. mrs. herwitt was SOSOSOSOOOOOO nice 2day b/c mr. pollitano wasnt there. i actually enjoyed that class, for once. everything else was dumb. gym was cool i guess. justin finally changed, but when i was tellin him bout mr. penishead he jus ran away&was like "i dont wanna hear bout your problems" like a meanie that he is =). we did the standing long jump. i take the scores for mr. rivera. he sed shit in front of me&hes like oops i didnt say that. haha i love that mofo. i got 4'11" in the long jump. i prob coulda done better if khiana didnt keep pushing me, but w/e idc bout that. at least i did better than the girls in my class. 2morrow is gunna be some fast shoot basketball thing. its pretty coolios. when i got outside it was raining, which sucked. i hate rain. it puts me in sucha bad mood.
ok well im out. wow i havent had sucha long entry haha. <3
omg i jus talked 2 my mom bout quittin band & how i didnt wanna go 2 the njhs thing & she started sayin how its my own fault i didnt get into njhs & how i screwed up n junk. and shes tellin me how i shouldnt quit or w/e. but its not bc i dont wanna play in njhs but bc i jus dont enjoy band like i used to. and she cant see that. i feel so much pressure from her its not even funny. she's got me cryin like a lil fuckin baby right now. she fuckin swears that the math i do is easy. im doin the same shit as 9th graders. its not fuckin fair. and i only chose the advanced math bc i know she would want me 2 bc shes jus like that. i feel so miserable idk what to do. shes sucha bitch i cant even explain. and then she sed she wants me 2 play in the mustang band next year. fuck that i hate band i hate that shit and i will forver omg. im jus so fuckin pissed off. i hate rainy days.