Ow, my heart!

Sep 13, 2011 16:35

Thank goodness that's over, and with the right result, as I've been in bits all afternoon!
I'm so pleased that Bally got to start, and that he got the wonderful reception he deserved. ♥ Thank you for not scoring against us, Micha! Ugh, I'm going to be such a wreck watching this match and seeing him on the opposite side, not to mention all the reunion cuddling. ;_;

Kudos to Dahveed, and hasn't Juan started like a house on fire?! Long may it continue, and well done to all the boys for getting the job done and improving every week. Onwards and upwards, boyos!

...I just saw a picture of Captain!Petr omg. I think I'd better have a lie down in a dark room until it's time to go home and watch the match...

ETA: Have I entered a parallel universe, or have the FA actually done something right for once?!? The incident barely got a mention in the press after the match, but Sunderland's Phil Bardsley is being charged with violent conduct for his alleged deliberate stamp on Juan Mata on Saturday. I was raging at the time because it was so obvious and so clearly deserving of a red, especially considering Bardsley's previous thuggery in every match I've ever seen him play, but the silver lining of Lee Probert's disgusting negligence/incompetence/bias/cowardice is that now the FA will be able to throw the book at Bardsley. Hopefully literally, and at his face.

petr: how so awesome?, there's only juan mata, david luiz has better hair than you, chelsea, champions league, ballack, get off the planet lee probert, referees are turd

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