It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas...

Dec 16, 2009 12:17

Witness my awesome: I have achieved holiday chores! So far I have successfully completed all of the following:

* mailed holiday cards
* baked over 70 dozen (yes, you read that right) cookies with my mum and left_sider and our friend during our annual Insane Baking Extravaganza of D00m that would make Volzy proud *g*
* decorated the Christmas tree
* put up fairy lights in the yard
* raked up the 15 giant bags of leaves that fell after last week's freeze and made a mildewy carpet over said yard :(
* finished my Christmas shopping early for once
* enjoyed the first eggnog latte of the season
* wrapped ~half of my presents
* 1,054 words for Yuletide \o/

Sadly the happy glow of accomplishment starts to fade when I think about what's left on the to-do list:

* finish wrapping presents
* clean the entire house, including all the corners where ~13276 spawn of Shelob have taken up residence *cries*
* bake breads for extra presents
* attend lame holiday do for work
* get off my butt and start exercising again
* finish Yuletide fic omg

Busy times! If only I could skip this whole tiresome going to work thing, I'd be able to finish all that with no problem... ;P Anyway, hope you're all well and finding time to enjoy the holidays!

yuletide, sleep is for the weak, my so-called life, i heart volzy

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