Silly season, indeed...

Sep 02, 2008 12:48

Good grief there's a lot of wank going on re: the transfer window. For the last time, people, MONEY DOES NOT BUY TROPHIES! It helps, yes, but it is still in fact the players, organized by a good manager, who have to do the business on the pitch. Buying one 'star' player does not somehow guarantee success; conversely NOT buying one does not signify the end of the universe.

As far as Chelsea is concerned, I'm not fussed that for once we didn't pay over the odds for a player who is unproven in the Premier League and in fact may only have been interested in improving his bank balance. Yes, we could do with more attacking options (especially after stupidly selling SWP), but that's why we have a youth system. I watched our reserves beat Arsenal 3-2 yesterday and I see no reason why the likes of Scott Sinclair or Miroslav Stoch shouldn't be given the chance to show that Brazilian 'superstars' don't have the monopoly on footballing talent.

For those hailing Manchester City as 'the new Chelsea,' let's not get ahead of ourselves. Remember that Chelsea had already qualified for the Champions League before Abramovich bought the club, so City have a bit of work to do on the pitch before they can realistically talk about reaching the new owners' lofty aims. In any case it will be interesting to see how the competition shapes up with another big player in the mix challenging for the top.

In other news, it looks like Tottenham have bent over for Manchester United the way they typically do on the pitch, and once again everyone will turn a blind eye to Fergie's blatant flouting of the laws. Remind me again which club is the Enemy of Football? Plus ça change…

Whatever, at least now we can finally get back to the actual football rather than useless speculation and media-spawned rubbish. In the meantime it would be nice if people could employ a brain cell or two before inflicting their idiocy on the rest of us. I live in hope...

football, chelsea

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