Buggre Alle this for a Larke

Oct 02, 2006 16:13

When the hell is poor AJ going to get a break when it comes to playing for England? If someone has to get injured, why is it always the nice guy in top form instead of someone rubbish like Cashley Cole? Clearly, the universe is all kinds of wrong at the moment.

Yeah, that really wasn't what I wanted to see first thing in the morning on a Monday when I was already sleep-deprived, cramping, and cranky. And since the rest of the day continued the theme of general suckage, I decided it was high time to indulge in another bitter rage dump. You lot should try this--it's like therapy with the added benefit of wasting loads of time at work.

1) Most of the time, people don't actually get what they deserve. I mean, super-nice guys like Shay Given, Owen Hargreaves, and Jimmy Bullard all suffer horrific injuries while thugs, cheats, and tossers like Ben Thatcher, Robin van Persie, and Cashley Cole run around in perfect health? A universe does not exist in which this would make any kind of sense. This is also a perfect example of why I don't believe in god.

2) Lazy journalism. As an overseas fan I'm forced to rely on publications like The Independent and The Guardian to keep up with footie news from the UK. Apparently it's asking too much to hope that their journalists at least provide accurate reports. (Forget unbiased; we all know that's never going to happen and I'm smart enough to recognize the agenda embraced by the majority of the press.) I'm not talking about The Sun here. If you're going to call yourself a writer, then you damn well better make the effort to achieve proper grammar, correct spelling, and oh, yeah, a vague knowledge of your subject matter. Unfortunately it seems like most journalists, including the 'respected' ones, didn't get that memo.

For example, I read one match report last week that lamented 'Leroy' Rosenior's handball at Craven Cottage. I guess Leroy's doing some pretty impressive multi-tasking, especially for an old man--it's quite a feat to manage Brentford seven days a week and still have time to put in an energetic ninety minutes against the Premiership Champions!

Seriously, wtf? I live in Texas, for crying out loud, and we don't get coverage of leagues below the Prem, but even I know that Leroy is Liam's father and that he took over at Brentford earlier this year. That's without any effort or research on my part, mind you. Yet I catch similar or even dumber mistakes in almost every article I read (not to mention poor syntax, grammatical errors, and misspellings), and there is just no excuse for that. What happened to having a little professional pride?

(For the record, I'm not just having a go at the British media. Our local paper is such utter rubbish that I wouldn't even use it to wipe a dog's arse.)

3) People who constantly moan about their perceived unfair lot in life, yet are unwilling to do anything in an attempt to improve their situation. Here's a tip: GET OVER YOURSELF. Embrace the pain, spank your inner moppet, whatever. And after that, take a good look around. There are loads of people in the world who are way worse off than you are. If you still feel like complaining after that, then a) you're even more of a self-centered moron than I thought, and b) don't do it where I can hear you.

Harsh? I don't think so. I think it's fair and perfectly obvious, but some people apparently fail to grasp the concept that you have to work for what you want out of life. There seems to be a disturbing syndrome affecting people my age which causes them to believe that the world should be handed to them on a silver platter without any effort or responsibility on their part. If they make a mistake or things aren't going perfectly smoothly, the default response appears to be whinging ad nauseum, hoping someone else will fix everything while playing the martyr so that friends and family will offer sympathy and ego boosts.

Screw that. That's not why the rest of us are here. If you can't be adult enough to face up to your own problems and poor choices in a constructive manner, don't expect anybody else to do it for you just because you might be a nice person and you don't deserve to have bad things happen to you. Shit happens. DEAL WITH IT.

I realize that anyone still reading this now thinks I'm the world's biggest bitch, and to be fair I've probably given that impression on numerous occasions in this journal. I'm okay with that. But believe it or not I am actually a generous and empathetic person in real life, and I am extremely supportive of my friends and family. It's just that I've learned the hard way that you can't help people who won't help themselves. I'm well tired of watching perfectly healthy, educated, comparatively privileged people throw their lives away because they are basically lazy. If they want to do that, fine. But they forfeit the right to complain to the rest of us.

4) Fair-weather fans. Some of us did not start supporting Chelsea because we thought they would win the league every year. Some of us would stick with the Blues even if they never won another trophy and got relegated again. Some of us love to watch JT and the boys playing their hearts out in every match, whether it's a one-nil victory or a five-nil defeat. So to all you so-called supporters who complain that we're not slaughtering 'lesser' teams, that Drogba contributes nothing to the team, or that Sheva is a flop after six matches, piss the hell off and stop embarrassing us real fans.

5) Poor LJ etiquette. It's called a cut tag, people. USE IT. I see this on other people's flists all the time, and it really sticks in my craw. It doesn't take that long to be considerate of those people who are on dial-up, have a smaller monitor, check LJ from work, or who simply don't want to see a Text Wall of D00m every time they log in.


my so-called life, football, rage omg

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