
Jul 25, 2006 09:54

NEWSFLASH: Apparently, Steven Gerrard would like to be the next England captain. But he's not talking about it.

Okay, first of all, DUH. How is this news? Just about everyone who pulls on an England shirt and isn't total pants would dream of wearing the armband.

And second of all, NO. Let's just not go there. ( Here's why. )

england, jt is a legend, football

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_backpages_ July 25 2006, 16:54:39 UTC
I agree that John wasn't as solid at the WC as he is for Chelsea, but if you look at his so-called mistakes (like the back header) they happened because he was trying to cover other teammates' (read: Rio's) opponents as well as his own. I reckon he'd look a lot more solid if he felt he could trust his defensive partner to not go walkabout at crucial moments in every match.

And you're definitely right about JT's presence. Put it this way--if I was going off to war, I know which of the two I'd want at my back.

The fainting incident happened last year, I think, at a presentation of some sort with the Champions League trophy. It might even have been the draw, and Steven was there as the current holder. He and various UEFA people were standing on the stage, and this woman carrying some papers to one of the officials just keeled over right at Steven's feet. They found out later that she hadn't eaten all day. But the point is, this poor woman collapsed not a foot away, and Steven made no attempt to catch her or check her vitals once she was down or anything. He was the closest person to her, and he just stood there looking confused (not even really concerned) while other people came running to help. It was pathetic. Sky Sports News showed the whole thing, and some of their pundits were mocking Gerrard about it. Might have been funny if it weren't so sad.


gameazel July 25 2006, 17:09:26 UTC
Fuck yeah. Though for Ferdinand's standards, this WC was probably one of his better showings; the lapses in concentration weren't as prominent. Unfortunately, his England caps aren't likely to stop anytime soon so, well, JT's probably got to get a bit more used to it. (Or he could kick Rio's ass into behaving, but.. Well, I'd pay to see that!)

Without a shadow of a doubt. He wouldn't just be right there by your side through it all, he'd bolster your spirit when you're down, and keep you focussed directly on the target/goal.

Speaking of England skippers in general, wasn't there an incident a few years back when Rooney was sent off (in the Euro, I think), and, while moving off pitch, cursed Beckham vehemently? While the latter just stood there and couldn't do anything to stop Rooney. God, if it were JT, he'd probably grab him by the throat/shirt and shake him a bit, to get him to his senses. There would be no way John would ever stand for that kind of attitude and treatment from one of his teammates.

Oh, that's just.. tragic. What a disappointment, honestly. One would expect him to be a bit faster, both in thought and action.


_backpages_ July 25 2006, 19:24:04 UTC
I'm kinda hoping that Rio will forget another drugs test or something, and clear the way for Ledley King. *evil* Or at least grow an extra brain cell or two. Though your idea of JT kicking his arse certainly has its own appeal! ;)

I remember the Rooney/Becks incident. Shocking, really. But somehow I don't see even Wazza having the balls to have a go at JT like that, especially if he was captain. *crosses fingers some more*

Tragic is right. When I first started following football I had a lot of admiration for Steven. But the more I saw of him, as a player and a person, the more disappointed I became. And now...well, I'll just say that taken as a whole I was wrong to have thought so highly of him.


gameazel July 25 2006, 23:10:06 UTC
Let's see what happens by Aug 16, when they play their first friendly v Greece; really, really hope it's John.

No fucking way he would. Not even the orc.

Mm, I guess we all had the impression that Stevie, with the skills he had, would be one of the 'good guys.' But now, what with all the diving especially.. *sigh* He's a great player, who doesn't need to do shit like that!


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