So long, 2012...

Jan 01, 2013 00:00

Well, this year is ending as a bit of a damp squib--literally. It's been raining steadily since before I went to bed last night. I can hear fireworks going off everywhere and yet I'm sure nobody can actually see them. Fail.

I'm meant to be ironing something to wear to work tomorrow but instead I've been having chocolate cake and watching Fellowship of the Ring. That seemed like a more valid life choice. :D Now it's time to see how many of my pseudo-goals for the year I actually accomplished.

1. Set up the new wireless router at home.
2. Set up my new laptop at home.
3. Upload all my trip photos for storage.
4. Burn some new CDs for my music library at work.
5. Work more normal hours.
6. Get out of the office more.
7. Get pre-approved for a loan to buy a house.
8. Eat more fish.
9. Eat more raw fruits and veggies.
10. Learn a new meal to cook that doesn't involve the microwave.
11. Start walking at the track again. (Didn't happen, but I moved away from the track so I have a good excuse.)
12. Do pilates at least twice a week.
13. Try some yoga.
14. Get a tan.
15. Learn to pincurl my hair.
16. Paint my nails more often.
17. Dress up more often.
18. Take my dad to see John Carter (of Mars). Tars Tarkas FTW!
19. Clear off my DVR.
20. Watch the figure skating World Championships.
21. Watch the Euros down the pub.
22. Watch the London Olympics.
23. Finish my scrapbook from my last vacation.
24. Travel somewhere new.
25. Go back to London.
26. Go to another Chelsea home match.
27. Watch series two of Downton Abbey when it finally airs over here.
28. Watch series two of Sherlock when it finally airs over here.
29. Dust off my watercolors and paint something.
30. Sketch something.
31. Finish one WIP each month. (LOL, who was I kidding?! Okay, I finished a couple of things...and then started more. Oops?)
32. Do some proper research in a library instead of online.
33. Clear out my closet.
34. Sort out prettier better storage for my jewellery.
35. Buy a pair of red shoes.
36. Start properly planning a trip to the Mediterranean.
37. Start (re)learning Greek.
38. Start learning Italian.
39. Travel somewhere by train.
40. Sleep more.
41. Finish reading my Hornblower novels. (Almost! I think I only have two left.)
42. Read more actual books.
43. Watch the BBC miniseries of North and South.
44. Weed the back yard.
45. Redo the herb garden. (Does moving away and redoing an entirely new yard count?)
46. Clean out the back shed.
47. Take down the lights in the front yard before next Christmas!
48. Treat myself to tea and breakfast in bed at least once a month.
49. Be more social.
50. Go to The Hobbit midnight release!

Hey, that's not bad at all! I'm particularly proud of #48, I must admit. And most of the things I didn't do fell by the wayside because of the move, which I hadn't planned to happen as soon as it did. So overall I'm calling this a win. \o/

I'm not going to make any resolutions this time because I have a thing about odd-numbered years. I'll just hope that 2013 will be a happy and healthy year for us all. Whatever happens at least we can look forward to The Desolation of Smaug. ;P

If any of you are out celebrating tonight, be safe and may you escape a sore head in the morning! ♥

50 for 2012, movies, the hobbit, lotr, sleep is for the weak, my so-called life

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