May 10, 2005 17:06
Im comming to realize that I'm getting closer and closer to the end of my rope as each day slowly comes to an end. Its getting harder and harder to pull myself out of bed in the mornings. For the first 6 minutes I am awake, I feel paralyzed. I'm starting to realized how stressed I really am. I'm accually "breaking out". I know that the break outs are stress related on account of me washing my face 3 times a day to the point I think Im rubbing my skin off. I never get zits.
Schools reeeeeeeally pushin it. My family and friends seem to be where all my sharpness and anger release. And I'm truley sorry.
I know I seem different lately... mostly to my closer friends. And I really am sorry. Im just ready for everything to be lifted from my shoulders so that I can accually sit back and take a breath. I really need a vacation.
The words "11 school days left" couldnt make me want to rip my own arm out of socket anymore. 11 days is so close........ talk about pure agony. why cant it come any faster? and with less pressure!!!!!!