Dec 18, 2004 20:27

duuude i just got back from was awesome...i was doing some outreaches with our home church missionary...great what i saw today i will never forget...yea ive been to mex before...but today just really opened my eyes to what i have. we were handing gifts out to kids. u should have seen their faces...its like that one gift made their life worth it all...i just loved hanging out with all these kids who didnt understand a word i said... so i tried to speak spainsh and they went off talking in spanish...i was like yea...but it was fun...God did incredible work through the team down there! He is just so amazing! i cant wait to go back soon...o yea and i went to this mexican is soooo different than an american wedding...but it was so was so laid back...yet fancy at the same time...great stuff... maybe ill get married in mex...haha well Merry Christmas everyone! and Happy New Year

(highlight it...i made it the mexican flag colors...)
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