i kno i havent updatd in forever been busy i might update bout important stuff later ;

Aug 12, 2004 00:20

? ? I N F O R M A T I O N ? ? ?
Name: Erica
Single or taken: Sexii single free to flirt ; wanna be in love dont wanna get hurt haha
Sex: female
Birthday: 7/23
Siblings: Dawn nd Mike
Eye color: brown
Height: 5'1"

? ? R E L A T I O N S H I P S ? ? ?
Who are your best friends?: The girls ; you kno who you are nd Kyle
You have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: nope

? ? ? S P E C I F I C S ? ? ?
Do you do drugs?: sure nuff do lol
What kind of shampoo do you use?: suave
What are you most scared of?: one of my loved ones die'n
What are you listening to right now? Southside
Who is the last person that called you?: Brittany
Where do you want to get married?: The beach
How many buddies are online right now?: 35
What would you change about yourself?: one thing in mind

? ? ? F A V O R I T E S ? ? ?
Color: pink ; red
Food: chicken wings
Boys names: Damien . Dante .
Girls names: Kaylee . Desiree .
Subjects in school: child care lol
Animals: White tigers

? ? ? H A V E | Y O U | E V E R ? ? ?
Given anyone a bath?: babii cousins
Smoked?: yea
Bungee jumped?:nah but i would
Made yourself throw up?: yea ; not like dat tho
Skinny dipped?: yea
Ever been in love?: yea . hard to say at such a young age but i believe it .
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: oh yea
Pictured your crush naked?: hell yea lol . nastii nastii mind
Actually seen your crush naked?: sure enough have
Cried when someone died?: yea
Lied: i have
Fallen for your best friend?: nope ; never
Been rejected?: yepp
Rejected someone?: yea
Used someone?: yea
Done something you regret?: i always say everything is meant to happen for a reason ; but i regret some of da shit ive done

? ? ? C U R R E N T ? ? ?
Clothes: black jeans black tank top pink nd black jacket
Music: Jadakiss - Why
Annoyance: ma phone die'n
Smell: coffee
Desktop picture: Clouds
Book you're reading: none
CD in player: Jadakiss
DVD in player: Cheaper by da Dozen

? ? ? L A S T | P E R S O N ? ? ?
You touched: Will
You hugged: Kyle
You imed: Shelley
You yelled at: Eric
You kissed: that you can kno ; Jesse ; but theres been more after him just cant tell you lol . not yet at least . some of u alreadii no tho haha

? ? ? A R E | Y O U ? ? ?
Understanding: yea im motha fuckin erica guglielmucci
Open-minded: yea
Arrogant: can be
Insecure: sometimes
Random: can be
Hungry: not at da moment
Smart: no
Moody: oh yea ; ask anyone haha
Hard working: when i have to be
Organized: can be
Healthy: for da most part
Shy: around certain ppl ' but not often
Difficult: not reallii
Attractive: not ugly
Bored easily: we live in palmyra of course hah ;
Responsible: sometimes
Obsessed: yea
Angry: now ; yea
Sad: now ; yeaws
Happy: nope
Hyper: yepp
Trusting: yes very

? ? ? W H O | D O | Y O U | W A N N A ? ? ?
Kill?: neone who fucks wit me rite now
Slap: " "
Get really wasted with?: elon ; hes fun haha
Get high with: scott cory nd Kenny ; its da best lol ; or ma cousin Joey
Talk to offline: elon
Talk to online: no one i prefer da phone
Sex it up with: E '

? ? ? R A N D O M ? ? ?
In the morning I am: tired nd moody
All you need is: elon
Love is: something that hurts
I dream about: sexii guys ( E )
Sexual preference: guys
What do you notice first in the sex you're into: smile

? ? ? W H I C H | I S | B E T T E R ? ? ?
Coke or Pepsi: neither dont drink soda no more lol
Tall or short: taller den me

? ? ? W H O ? ? ?
Makes you laugh the most: Britt nd Lee's stupid self lol syke i love u lee
Makes you smile: ma girls nd ' you '
Gives you a funny feeling when you see him/her: E

? ? ? D O | Y O U | E V E R ? ? ?
Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you?: no none of da ppl i reallii want to talk to have da interent lol
Save conversations: nope
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: nopeim fine wit maself
Wish you were younger: no rather be older
Cried because someone said something to you?: im sensitive ; yea

? ? ? N U M B E R ? ? ?
Of times I have had my heart broken: at least once but maybe 24
Of hearts I have broken: none dat i kno of lol but i think it could be like 24
Of CD's I own: alot but ill stick wit 24
Of scars on my body: like 4 i kno of but we can say 24
Of things that I regret: hmm let me think ; 24

? ? ? Y O U R | T H O U G H T S ? ? ?
I know: i miss ' him '
I want: to be with ' him ;
I have: to find u
I wish: you were here wit me
I hate: not bein able to see you
I fear: not ever seein u again
I hear: IM noises
I search: for him
I wonder: what hes doing
I love: elon

lol i had fun on dat ; some of its bul shit but hey whatever
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