It's crazy how one moment in time can prompt an out pour of new insights, ideas, thoughts and emotions ... that moment being the better part of 10 years.
I've come to terms with some things in life.
- That we are energy.
- That this life force that flow through all in existence, is our connection to one another that is our consciousness.
- I picture an array of dots, indistinct, floating around. I then see this all penetrating "goo" if you well, enveloping which spans through and across this world we know to make the physical form we are familiar with today.
3. Our energy seeks those that are a mirror of itself, that which is liken unto its self, is drawn. Simply put, we attract the energies and frequencies that match the vibration we emanate. The ones that speak of prosperity have it, the ones who feel poor will keep feeling poor and until you gain that feeling and thought of that you wish to be, you will get more of the same. Negative thoughts bring more negative.
Set forth all thought in joy and allow yourself to feel joy in that moment, and the next and next and next moment .
You don't look in a mirror and expect it to move first, so look within for your change and use your inner knowing. All that which you seek is within. Do not look to the external to find answers for they lie inside you. Meditate and quiet your mind, breathe out what no longer serves you and breathe in anew.