Jan 24, 2021 21:32
Sooo I need to update today because it is Coreys birthday! and I need to express my love for him to the whole 5 or so peopel who read this. COREY IS MY FAVORITE..ever.
In other news, things are good. However thursdyas are always stressful. We alwyas ahve english papers due on firdays and I NEVER start them till thursday adn its always super stressful.
But one thing im happy about is this huge protest for peace in whasington DC that I am attending on saturday. my sister adn I taking a bus up from like UNCONN or soemtihing on fri. at midnight adn getting back at saturday around midnight. Im pumped.
Ugh I ahveo t go read the Sun Also Rises, which sucha pretty title you would not htink it is so boring.