Dec 16, 2020 22:24
Thankyou everyone who was incredibly supportive of me. In particular Olivia who randomly appeared in my bedroom this morning with a beautiful heart shaped decoration with extremly nice adn encouraging words. Also to Elisa, Corey, Abby, JEsse, and Carly who made me a funfetti cake and brought it to me last night (and everyone gave me a hug, aw, aaand Laura Greany who drove to Ptuck to give me a hug after hearing the news.
This really is disapointing, but I don't deserve too much sympathy as I am to blame for letting myslef fanatsize and becoem obbsessed wit hteh idea of going. I didn't want to hear anythign negative abotu Hampshire ebcasue I jsut fell completly in love with the premise of the school. For that reason I thought I ahd to get in could fate turn me down form a school that seemed so perfect for me, it jsut didn't make sense. Overconfindance was my tragic flaw. I also ignored everyone who told me to think relaisticly abotu other options, therefor this hopelessa dn crushed feeling only leads back to my own actions.
It is really hard for me to let go of this dream though. The truth is no getting in does have a big effect on my future, it is differnt from all over colleges in terms of majors. I kinda feel liek I need to know why I didn't get in to move on, or to start reviving my dead self worth. The school is not that hard to get into, so where did I go wrong? My sister adn mom belive( and I want to belivie but think its kind of unlikly) that the fact that early decision mean you have to go, and you send in your fincial aid request with your application. Hampshire is 45k a year and my mom makes 20k..for me to be able to pay without them giving me a huge fincial aid package was a pretty impossible. But..I jsut dont know.
I'll be okay, of course I will, and I understadn that sitting and feeling bad for my self will only make this process harder. I jsut need a little more time alone...(and away from LAura..shhh)