Aug 07, 2006 12:23
work in a few hours. dont want to go. i want to take a nap with colin, but he is at work until 3, bah. nobody has taken my shift for thursday, looks like i will have to call out. i dunno, i could go see the number 12 looks like you&&fear before the march of flames or answer phones all day from 3:30-midnight, decisions, decisions . . .
so yeah.
wow, this eljay is atrocious, i need to get me a new layout, likewhoa. but i think i should probably start to get ready for work. i hope my new friend dan is working so i can see what happened last nigth with brandon ((my ex-roommate)) and his girlfriend ((if you can call what they have a relationship)) michaela. dan finally came up to me and talked ot me after weeks of me catching him glancing at me from across the office. i told him to sit with jess&&i but he said he was with his michaela. i told hima ll about her and why she hates me&&why she wanted me out of brandon&&johnny's place and he went and told her that brandon&&johnny both were always trying to get me to go down on them and/or cheat on colin with them. i am fairly certain that michaela ended up going home&&castrated brandon.
&&that made colin smile.
so yeah.
i am going to go to adam, my pdl, later today and ask about switching my shift...3:30-12 am kinda sucks.
yeah, imma go get ready work now.