Nov 11, 2005 15:29
i'm making a new live journal. most of you wont be on it. but if youre really nice and ask, maybe i'll put you on it.
i've pretty much had everything shit on me the last few months. and still i've been trying to keep my head up and be ok.
i've been looking at the good and keep saying things could be worse.
i spent $500 on fixing my shit car, and shit phone. i've lost friends. i've been in stupid drama fights. my wife is gone and i hardly talk to her, my love of my life (sike! so not of my life) the last dude i was truely in love with has shit on me more times then i can count and is now in love with another girl that has already shit on him and asked me to beat her up. i've come to the conclusion i wont find another boyfriend here. i cant even think of what it would be like to care about someone as much as i did chris. i've hardly got enough money to support myself and guys keep fucking with my head.
i'm sick of shit getting slipped around on me when either it isnt my fault or i'm sick of someone elses drama and i'm getting blamed for it. i'm ALWAYS in the wrong place at the wrong time.
i'm sick of fake people buying their way into friendships.
i'm sick of being made out into something i'm not.
i'm sick of people pretending to like someone and then talking shit about them.
when is shit going to start going right?
i need out of here.
right now i really want to see jo and andrea and april.
and other then them gizzy, megan, christina, jenn, and LJ fucking rule.
and fuck everyone else in the shit hole.
i really awnt to get trashed and die tonight.
sorry i work a double today and i cant go to rusans.
BYE BYE!! time to put shit behind me. like this fucking heart of mine.