its worth my time.. whatever that means...

Nov 03, 2005 19:38

so this week was the most stressful thing ever.
no car for 4 days.
$300 later i'm driving.
waste of time and tears.
no comfort.
good fucking friends.
the boy sets fire show was fucking amazing. WHERE IS YOUR FUCKING RAGE!
being one of the boys.
making amends.
pointless fights of controdicting and bipolar crap.
i found a 17 year old boyfriend at the show who was crushing me hard. hahaha
SAW 2!!!!!
amber and jordan cuteness (completely jealous)

SOOOOOO fucking much has happend in the last week, my head is spinning. and i kinda hate it. i'm ready to settle down with a boy that can take as much care of me as i can him. and not stress me the fuck out. is that so hard to ask?
i've been told i'm not dating matterial because i am some what intimidating. i wonder if i'm too much of a boy and too much of a fuck you personality that guys just dont like me like that. ha

also. i've been an asshole to someone who has been trying to be a good friend to me. doooohhhh
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