Aug 26, 2004 16:11
Okay so t0day was really fun s0 far !! last night me kylie and samantha slept over paiges . . we woke up at like 7 30 and then went over ktins and kidanapped her . . we literally woke her up and surprisingly took her out of her house and threw her in the car dn went out to bfast at friendlys !! aha it was really funny ! we walked home but we had to stal a lot because while we wwere gone carole had to paint ktins room ! we got back nd ktin opened her presents from us and then she went up to her newly painted orange room ahha . . we watched aladdin . . nd i went home .. and then went to kylies . . now im back home again and it feels like 8 and its 4 . . so om gonna go finish my book . . 5 days until school starts : ( !!! <3 kelly lynn*