Once again, I am not showing the screen name simply because I am nice. I am showing the last four letters of it though, so if you ever see him, give him a holla'. And, again, I am xjust endlessx, so do not be confused.
Faye: hey
xjust endlessx: Aye aye.
Faye: are you a boy
xjust endlessx: No, I am sorry?
Faye: ey
Faye: what
xjust endlessx: I can turn into a boy if you want to talk to one, though.
Faye: yea
xjust endlessx: Okay, I just turned into a boy. It's magic.
Faye: ok
Faye: what coor are you
Faye: what color are you
xjust endlessx: What are you, racist?
Faye: no
xjust endlessx: How old are you?
Faye: 18
xjust endlessx: Oh.
Faye: hwo old r u
Faye: send me a pic of you
xjust endlessx: Or, I won't. That was rather demanding.
Faye: why
xjust endlessx: Because, I have purple skin and I don't want you to go all racist on me. Don't hate, appreciate.
Faye: ok
Not as entertaining as the 11 year old, but it was fun. If he had actually asked for my asl, it would have been better.