Mar 07, 2006 20:49
1. Spell your middle name backwards: esor
2. Story behind your first name: its from a book my mom read but she changed the spelling to be different
3. When's your birthday? 4-19-84
4. Where do you live: Lawrenceville
Describe Your:
5. Wallet: i dont really use a wallet i just leave my money in my purse which is prob waay dangerous but i have a very nice nine west wallet that i should prob use
6. Eyes: blue
7. Toothbrush: white and orange
8. Jewelry Worn Daily: earings,necklace, watch, passion wristband? if that is jewrely
9. Cell Phone: white and silver it looks cool on the outside not so cool on the inside
10. Pillow Cover Right Now: blue
11. Car: rhonda
12. Bedroom: yellow and slightly messy
13. Sunglasses: big ashley olsenish ones that aynsley gave me...i however dont usually wear them they dont fit my style
14. Shampoo: whateva i like a little variety
15. Cologne and/or Perfume: perfume
16. CD in stereo right now: all hilary all the time
17. Piercings: just da ears
18. What you are wearing now? jeans, zeta tshirt, hoodie jacket, flip flops
19. Wishing: i was tanning at the beach
20. Wanting: a little furry pup
21. What Are You Doing After This: laying in my bed getting ready for 8th and ocean
22. If You Could Get Away with It and Murder Anyone, Who Would It Be and why: Um probably no one
23. Person You Wish You Could See Right Now: your mom
24. Your Favorite Movie: centerstage, uptown girls
25. Something You're Looking Forward To In the Coming Week: going to sharptop con yl
26. Something You Just Ate: pizza at wyldlife
27. Something You Are Deathly Afraid of: im a wuss i am afraid of a lot of things
28. Do You Like Candles: i suppose
29. Do You Like Incense: only on wednesdays
30. Do You Like the Taste of Blood: what the crap such a waste of a question
31. Do You Believe In Love: of course
32. Do You Believe In Love At First Sight: maybe
33. Are You In Love?: heck no boys have cooties
34. Do You Believe In Heaven?: yea
35. Do You Believe In God: yeess
36. Do You Have a Tattoo? no not yet but i am getting one im just waiting on aynsley to stop being a wuss
37. If You Could Eat Something Right Now, What Would It Be? ice cream i guess but i could eat it right now if i wanted to
38. Are You Addicted To Myspace: no but i did just make a page bc i gave up facebook so far its lame bc i dont have very many friends
39. Can You Eat with Chopsticks? the kiddie kind
40. What's Your Favorite Coin: quarters i guess
41. What Are Some of Your Favorite Candies: the chocolate easter eggs that are like candy coated
42. Favorite Soda: coke
43. What's One Thing You Wish You Could Understand Better: neuromuscular plasticity and elasticity....such a lame class
44. If You Could Turn Back Time, What Would You Change? prob nothing
45. If You Were Given a Gazillion Dollars, What's One Thing You Would Buy?: a house next door to hilary so we could be bffs 4eva
46. Can You Cook?: no way i cant even cut my food
47. Are You Shy Around Your Crush?: heck no i dont have crushes
48. Favorite Flower: daisys
49. Do You Know What It Feels Like To Be In Love: don't think so
50. Would You Sacrifice Your Favorite Possession For Your Best Friend: i mean maybe i would sacrifice miss monks but it would be a toss up jk jk