May 01, 2005 21:59
oh so this weekend was awesome.
went to VA, our room was sweet.
far nicer than the hilton, which cracks me up.
ahhahah um woke up after a night of watching
food network with jessm&chuck
got up, went thru bull run to get the fairgrounds.
got there, and people at will call referred to chuck as
"chuck impact" made me giggle, he went in thru VIP cos
hes a ROCKSTAR, and got fucking special treatment,
WE SAW HOT HOT HOT SARAH. fucking made me like cream, with the
hotness. dayum. dude seriously,. um then!
watched...spitalfield? i think? NO. days like these.
my bad. then went and saw MR. MATTY G. got huggies.
also went to early novembers merch & bought 50$ worth of merch,sweetest
fucking hoodie ever. got hugs from jeff. and pictures.
and then went and saw split 50& break away-
ps, break away is FUCKING AMAZING.
then saw hipv,& early november& spitalfield& motioncity soundtrack,
& of course the starting line-
it was sweet we got rockstar treatment and were let in and out, because keith loves
chuck. ahahahhah
jess and i are even more wxcited about the fact that next year
we'll be selling merch there. did i mention that yet?
chucks gotta new bandy-poo. has for a while, actually.
its with mikey& chan& tommy smith and theyre fucking awesome. like
honestly, i really liked small impact, but i fucking LOVE. LOVEEEE
the new stuff. its fucking great. not kidding.
um so did i miss anything?
kenny told off people in the show. fuckin sweet.
also got hugs from joe reo. and matty g. god i love that little merch man.