Apr 19, 2009 10:30
Thoughts lately,
I think I am getting sick of college? I hate the reliance on technology. It makes me feel like I'm not actually learning anything when we go over slides of images for hours in classes. I don't like online homework and find it super easy to get them done without actually ever having to concentrate. I like having to turn in homework for a teacher to read because it will make me put real thoughts together.
I don't like the dynamics of social groups. It's weird that I am on a campus with almost 30,000 people of my own age. You think this would be a place of frenzied relationships, instead, i'm finding that it's so hard to meet people. It's impossible to take anyone at a party seriously and it's weird to solicit people from your 250 person lecture class to come over haha.
Eating rituals are stupid. I don't want to eat at the dining commons any more, but that leaves me to go off the meal plan next semester and eat mostly by myself//with other people who do not have meal plans. Limitinggg!
Also, I think I might be in the wrong major. I'm so sick of micro biology stuff and it's smothering me. I might look into changing from Animal Science to Wildlife and Fisheries Conservation, but with all of my Education requirements, it might be impossible. hmmmmmm...
I really miss my Grafton house and lifestyle.
My Dad got laid off again....I think it might be a blessing in disguise....he really hated the job he got after being laid off the first time.
I think i might cut my hair. I want a change.
This sounds super depressed...but I'm actually decently happy. It's good to doubt and wonder.....it opens you up change.