Jan 24, 2007 01:10
That song reminds me a lot of Nelly Furtado.
Okay, so lately things have been going really well. I mean my classes require a ton of work but its okay because most of them are things that im really interested in. Did I mention that Human Sexuality is going to be amazing?
So I'm taking 16 hours of class and working 12ish hours (I really dont remember how much) and I'm extremely busy because I'm actually going to try to be a good student this semester but guess what? Even if I get all A's this semester, no 3.5 and that also means no Newhouse. LAME. Look out Stephanie might make another transfer. I like to play Musical College (It would be my 3rd school. CRAZY). I also just bought a Johnny Cash album today. Talk about old school eh? Sam also bought NOW 7(or something like that)!
Yeah so, soon me and Rodrigo are going to be ONE YEAR. Now let me tell you something that I learned this past year, RELATIONSHIPS CAN BE ENJOYABLE! Yeah I know, crazy eh? Now that's a great lesson.
I've also become addicted to Victoria's Secret. It's the one thing I will splurge on. (And maybe DVDs)
Oh yeah, my IPOD is lost somewhere in the US. Thanks alot assholes.
And, my room is getting so cute. I love it. It's really me, I'd say.
This Mary Jane song by Fergie is very...No Doubt. Weird mix in there.
Okay uhm time to finish working.