Dec 18, 2007 13:00

Guess why my lunch today owned.


Shinma: see
That's what life is about...

me: tacos

Shinma: Indeed

Gina won a lunch for 20 from a radio station. They were giving out t-shirts to people who did sound bites for them while we were eating. I thought to myself it would be funny if I said that I'd only do one if I got to say, "I like tacos." I ate my food and then ran away to my secluded room to continue my peacefully monotonous data entry. Then Casey (another chick I work with) gave away where I was hiding and they ganged up and convinced me to do a sound bite.

"Hi! This is Nicole from Priscilla of Boston and I Like Tacos! You're listening to the strange and fascinating sounds of 93.7 Mike FM."

The guy with the mic thought it was brilliant. I was giggling so much I almost couldn't do it. Really... I think if I didn't get so nervously worked up about it, I would have been a great voice actor for cartoons.

But yes... someday soon, my voice shall broadcast over the radio my veneration for tacos.
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