hear me im cryingnow im ready now

Mar 29, 2005 21:52

Name: tara marie
- Nickname: tara, tar,skittles, tabby
- Birth date: december 16th
- Birthplace: hamilton
- Current Location: robbinsville
- Eye Color: brown
- Hair Color: strawberry brown lmao
- Height: 5'7"
- Righty or Lefty: righty
- Zodiac Sign: sagg.
- Your heritage: irish,german,polish, hungarian,english,italian
- The shoes you wore today: my black & white volatiles
- Who you look like: myselflol
- Your weakness: frappacino
- Your fears: rejection. hospitals. snakes.
- Your perfect pizza: maragrita pizza
- Goal you'd like to achieve: find someone who craes about me equally to me caring about them.

LAYER THREE: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
- Your most overused phrase on AIM: 'lol'
- Your thoughts first waking up: fuckkkkkkkk
- Your best physical feature: eyes
- Your bedtime: somewhere between 11 and 4
- Your most missed memory: laying with rich in his bed all cuddled up thinking how it was themost beautiful moment in my life.

- Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi: Pepsi
- McDonalds or Burger King: ehh either
- Adidas or Nike: Adidas
- Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
- Cappuccino or coffee: cappacino

- Smoke: yup
- Sing: lol DUH i goto aperforming arts school
- Have a crush: yeah
- Think you've been in love: eh.
- Like high school: sometimes.
- Believe in yourself: sometimes.
- Get motion sickness: sometimes
- Think you're attractive: Sometimes.
- Think you're a health freak: not anymore
- Get along with your parents: sometimes
- Like thunderstorms: no.
- Play an instrument: sing,guitar, piano,flute

LAYER SIX: In the past month...
- Drank alcohol: no
- Smoked: yupp
- Done a drug: yupp
- Gone to the mall: tonight
- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: nope
- Eaten sushi: yup
- Been on stage: yeah
- Gone skating: nope
- Gone skinny dipping: nopeee
- Dyed your hair: yes
- Stolen anything: haha

- Played a game that required removal of clothing: haha yeah
- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: haha yeah
- Been caught "doing something": yeah haha me and jim back freshman year babyyy haha
- Gotten beaten up: nope
- Shoplifted: haha

LAYER EIGHT: Getting Older
- Age you hope to be married: 30
- Numbers and Names of Children: two my adopted son which is unnnamed yet and a daughter by birth named bailey
- How do you want to die: i dont know
- What do you want to be when you grow up: a performer or music therapist
- What country would you most like to visit? england.maybe france

LAYER NINE: In a partner
- Best eye color: blue
- Hair color: blonde
- Height: somewher around 5'10
- Weight: just not fat

LAYER TEN: In The Numbers...
- Number of people I could trust with my life: two. alisha and eden
- Number of CDs that I own: alot
- Number of piercing: 2 in each ear although i only wear one
- Number of tattoos: none yet
- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: alot.
- Number of things in my past that I regret: a few.
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